Re: Hey Pat, check this one out
Posted by Martha on 4/14/03
My usual. It is really hard to get pass the anger when if "it weren't
for the fact that" the individual played with your health and even added to your
misery and walked away with a smile keeps popping up in your head. I realize myself
it is easier to be heard when you try to stay rationale, but to be honest, I don't
think people hear anymore, or care anymore. For the last few days I have been
suffering greatly, with even minor exertion I start heaving like I jogged 10 miles.
I think the individual does not know that "caps" are yelling. I didn't know either
when I first started on the internet.
Have a blessed Resurrection Day!
On 4/09/03, Pat wrote:
> Martha, I was not having "fun" with that individual. I realize that he/she is
> suffering greatly.
> If you read my reply carefull you will notice that I was under the impression that
> he/she was yelling at both Mary AND I-- and I could not understand why that
> individual would be upset with me, after I wrote so many posts in support of such
> sufferers.
> Yet, even while under that impression I did not write a sarcastic reply to that
> person.
> I was wheer that person was once. I know what it is like, all to well. But, the best
> thing to do is to try to be calm and rational. It's easier to be heard that way.
> On 4/09/03, Martha wrote:
>> On 4/03/03, Pat wrote:
>>> On 3/31/03, Mary wrote:
>>>> Pat,
>>>> You just know I can barely contain myself with this one. I'll give it a try:
>>>> Greetings most dear and possibly troubled person. Please try to avoid using
>>>> all caps. It makes it very difficult to read your posts.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Mary.
>>> Hey Mary, how's it goin? What I don't get, is why that person was goin' off on
>>> me (I had to re-read his/her post to make sure that it was indeed at me lol).
>> Pat & Mary,
>> I appreciate the candor with which you have responded to the individual who is
>> apparently suffering from the same thing that I am. Did you know that perfume is
>> one of the non-controlled killing chemicals? So to test your MCS, on days that
>> you just think your allergies are kicking up, think about what cologne you are
>> wearing. There was an individual in my life that took great fun in wearing
>> certain scents that zoned me out. Unfortunately, the poor individual did not
>> realize that she was suffering the same fate....she always sounded like she had a
>> cold. She would spritz it on and come into where I was and stand as close as
>> possible as I started hacking and begged for air. I even talked to her
>> diplomatically about the situation to no avail.
>> Anyone who is knowledgeable about RADS; MCS and/or asthma realizes that once you
>> have been exposed, the damage is already done to the lungs, the healing time is
>> indefinite because of the constant exposure to pollutants and those that have no
>> mercy on an individual with this condition. One thing that I cannot tolerate is
>> ignorance on a subject and an individual responding with "college diploma", fly
>> by the seat of your pants attitude.
>> So do not be too rough on the poor soul that is in ALL CAPS, the individual is as
>> angry as I am....but I know the law of the universe, what goes around comes around
>> just so the other person realizes and can sympathize with a situation. But if you
>> want to have "fun", go ahead, it will be at your own expense!
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