Post: chemistry & oxidization: their relationship to MCS/ CFS
Posted by Pat on 3/04/03
Oxidants are the substances involved in oxidization, which
is the process of increasing an element's positive charge by
removing its electrons.
Oxidants in the body can cause a chain reaction of mutations
by stealing electrons from the atoms of cells. Nitric oxide,
and its oxidant product peroxynitrite are reported to be
elevated in MCS sufferers. The latter damages Mitochondria DNA.
Interestingly, in the overlapping disease CFS, the
mitochondria are reported to be malfunctioning. (more
evidence that the two diseases share a common cause)
In chemistry, chemical interactions often produce changes in
the substances. If the MCS sufferer's cells are reacting
with chemicals, then this may change the cells' functioning
and/or structure.
Such biochemical changes have been consistently reported in
MCS sufferers. For example, studies of MCS brain imaging
through Positron Emission Tomography [P.E.T. scans], under
challenge conditions, reveal changes in the brain that are
different than the changes reported in psychogenic
disorders. Similar results have been seen in SPECT, QEEG,
and FRMI scans.
The changes in the brain reported in MCS make it clear that,
statistically speaking, roughly 10 million of the sufferers
are severely disabled and not capable of working.
The main question is whether or not these changes are
permanent (AKA. can the body reverse this damage?). There is
actually evidence suggesting that MCS-induced damage CAN be
reversed, although it usually is not.
If I have made any errors please let me know.
See: "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - The End of
Controversy" by Dr. Martin L. (Marty) Pall, Professor of
Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State
University, at;
"MCS - A Medical Perspective" by Dr. Mark Donohoe, MB BS;
"Response to Errors Prevalent in the Understanding of
Environmental Illness" by Dr. Gerald H. Ross, M.D.,
C.C.F.P., D.I.B.E.M., D.A.B.E.M., F.A.A.E.M., F.R.S.M., Past
President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine at;
"A Brief Overview of MCS" by Cynthia Wilson at;
"The Role of the Brain and Mast Cells in MCS" by Gunnar
Heuser, M.D., Ph.D., FACP at;
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