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    Re: Dr. Gotts

    Posted by SaraH on 3/26/03

    Pat or anyone else with info.
    In Gots book it states that he is now the director of the
    International Center for Toxicology in Rockville Maryland. What
    does anyone know about this center? How is it funded? Any
    chemical company connections etc.? Extremely important to know
    about this center.
    Thanks for any and all help.

    On 3/17/03, Pat wrote:
    > Gots has a remarkable talent in writing. He can words things
    > in a way to suggest something in which the opposite is true,
    > and do so without it "technically" being a lie. But in other
    > cases, he simply lies as seen later on.
    > The theme of the book is as follows: Since MCS is not an
    > immunologic disease, then it does not exist. Donald Dudley,
    > MD, wrote, "Multiple chemical sensitivity has none of the
    > characteristics of an immunologic disease, and as long as
    > immunologic criteria are required as proof of its [MCS?s]
    > existence, it will be seen as a non-disease".
    > Gots likes to focus on the fact that the *cause* of MCS has
    > not yet been proven and that the mechanisms are unknown
    > (though this may change due to Pall's research). That is not a
    > rational approach. MS (Multiple Sclerosis) has no known
    > "uniform cause", nor even a diagnostic laboratory test (I
    > believe MCS now does however), yet those would not be excuses
    > to deny its harsh biological reality.
    > Ashford and Miller talk about Gots' earlier work in 95 and 96.
    > Gots wrote, "[e]verything that is known about MCS to date
    > strongly suggests behavioral and psychogenic explanations for
    > symptoms".
    > Ashford and Miller said the above statement was
    > "unjustifiable", and that, "Even if he [Gots] were correct
    > about the absence of physiological evidence (and he is not),
    > the presence of psychological problems in patients is not
    > proof of psychological causation. The work of Fiedler et al.
    > (1992), and that of Simon et al. (1990, 1993) amply
    > demonstrate that there are MCS patients with no premorbid or
    > subsequent psychological problems", write Ashford and Miller
    > (pg. 280). They go on to describe Gots' work of 95 and 96 as
    > "recycled opinion"
    > Why does Gots manipulate data? As you know, Gots in the head
    > of ESRI (Environmental Sensitivities Research Institute).
    > ESRI's contributors and board members consist of pesticide
    > manufacturers; representatives from The Cosmetic, Toiletry,
    > and Fragrance Association; and other industry dominated
    > representatives.
    > Reading Gots can make an MCS sufferer angry, but it won't do
    > much to contribute to scientific integrity.
    > ~ Pat

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