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    Re: Sensitive to vinyl and plastic fumes, etc

    Posted by Pat on 3/24/03

    What you describe sounds like MCS. Though it may not be.


    "Defining Multiple Chemical Sensitivity", by Bonnye L.
    Matthews (1998)

    "Chemical Exposures [--] Low Levels and High Stakes" by
    Claudia Miller, M.D., and Nicholas Ashford, Ph.D.


    "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - The End of Controversy" by
    Dr. Martin L. Pall, Professor of Biochemistry and Basic
    Medical Sciences, Washington State University, at

    "Teenager's discovery termed a medical breakthrough" By
    Latafat Ali Siddiqui at

    "Response to Errors Prevalent in the Understanding of
    Environmental Illness" by Dr. Gerald H. Ross [M.D., C.C.F.P.,
    D.I.B.E.M., D.A.B.E.M., F.A.A.E.M., F.R.S.M., Past President,
    American Academy of Environmental Medicine; Fellow of
    England's Royal Society of Medicine], at

    On 3/24/03, Cindy wrote:
    > Two recent incidents seemed more extreme than past ones:
    > first I got new glasses and the lenses gave off a "hot
    > plastic smell" that stung my nostrils and burned my eyes.
    > The fumes have gradually dissipated but if i wear them for
    > prolonged periods they still burn. Second incident, we got
    > vinyl vertical blinds for a patio door, and within hours I
    > was feeling ill enough that we had to take them down and
    > get rid of them. Fortunately they were cheap, and we can
    > probably find replacement panes of another material that
    > will fit in the clips. After the incident with the glasses
    > i'm kicking myself for buying vinyl blinds without thinking
    > maybe it wasnt' such a good idea, but we've had vinyl
    > blinds before that didn't do that to me.
    > I used to work around chemicals used in painting; toluene,
    > acetone, lacquer thinner, mineral spirits, alcohol, MEK,
    > etc. I tried to protect myself but as the years went by it
    > bothered me more. After quitting work in that field and
    > being away from it for a few yrs, it seems like I have
    > significant reactions to plastic and vinyl odors, solvents,
    > pesticides, cleansers, etc now.
    > Can anyone direct me to a website or book on this, and what
    > can be done to stop it? I feel like if it keeps going this
    > way, soon I'll be sensitive to everything. I've also had
    > terrible allergies this year.

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