Re: Hey Pat: About nitric oxide
Posted by Mary on 4/27/03
Hey Pat:
I'm not sure I understand your point about nitric oxide. Are
you or someone suggesting that exposure to nitric oxide
causes MCS?
If yes, then should inhaled nitric oxide theraphy for
hypoxic respiratory failure in infants be avoided? Would
treating personnel potentially exposed to waste gases during
adminstration be at risk of contracting mcs?
Best Regards,
On 4/09/03, Pat wrote:
> Before I posted on Dilnaz's discovery that MCS sufferers
> have excess 2,3-DPG enzymes due to extreme oxygen
> As I've also posted b4, Martin Pall put forth the theory of
> NO. poisoning as the etiology of MCS. I contacted Martin
> Pall and asked him how nitric oxide (NO) could explain the
> 2, 3-DPG excess. He wrote, "Nitric oxide binds to heme
> groups just as does carbon monoxide. Having said that, I
> would think that there are other, more plausible mechanisms
> by which nitric oxide might produce increases in 2,3-DPG
> including the vasodil@ion produced by nitric oxide,
> leading to increased pooling of blood in the lower parts of
> the body and decreased perfusion in other tissues."
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