Re: Hey Pat: About nitric oxide & CO
Posted by Mary on 4/29/03
I'm glad you mentioned the CO thing. I see references to CO from time
to time at some of the mcs sites, and had not understood the alleged
connection. And, you know, most of those places do not reek of
credibility, so it is easy to be dismissive of whatever might be
available there.
In fact, as kind of a sidebar discussion, I think the whole mcs
discussion suffers from what I will just call the 'wacko' look and
feel to most of these 'information' sites. Most are undermining any
credibility they might hope to achieve via the inclusion of weird
products and fees for referrals and such. Just an
I'm going someplace warm for a few days. Far from the cold (eh). Time
to warm up Mary.
Best Regards,
On 4/29/03, Pat wrote:
> Hey, how r ya?
> That is a good question and at present I'm not sure. I think more
> research should take place before any conclusions are drawn.
> The data on MCS's origins and mechanisms is overwhelming. For
> Albert Donnay has a competing theory a CO poisoning as a cause of
> chemical sensitivity. Excessive levels of CO will increase levels of
> NO via iNOS. "Marty?s theory is just one little slice of what CO
> poisoning does to people", said Donnay,
> Interestingly, stresses of all kind (emotional, chemical, etc)
> increase CO levels via HO-1. This could explain why emotional stress
> often heightens sensitivity in sufferers.
> However, the genetic data point more to a NO etiology. I think the
> work together to certain degrees depending on the case.
> The NO/CO pathways should definitely be the focus of research.
> I think that until more data are collected, the answer to your
> question would have to be speculative and I don't like speculation.
> Take care,
> ~ Pat
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