Re: Hey Pat: About nitric oxide & CO
Posted by FF on 4/29/03
Referencing your post below, would you please provide an example of:
1.) A place that reeks of credibility
2.) A place that does not reek of credibility
3.) A place that is in the middle, if such a place exists.
This is of course, assuming you are referring to SCIENCE.
On 4/29/03, Mary wrote:
> Pat:
> I'm glad you mentioned the CO thing. I see references to CO from time
> to time at some of the mcs sites, and had not understood the alleged
> connection. And, you know, most of those places do not reek of
> credibility, so it is easy to be dismissive of whatever might be
> available there.
> In fact, as kind of a sidebar discussion, I think the whole mcs
> discussion suffers from what I will just call the 'wacko' look and
> feel to most of these 'information' sites. Most are undermining any
> credibility they might hope to achieve via the inclusion of weird
> products and fees for referrals and such. Just an
> observation/impression.
> I'm going someplace warm for a few days. Far from the cold (eh). Time
> to warm up Mary.
> Best Regards,
> Mary
> On 4/29/03, Pat wrote:
>> Hey, how r ya?
>> That is a good question and at present I'm not sure. I think more
>> research should take place before any conclusions are drawn.
>> The data on MCS's origins and mechanisms is overwhelming. For
> example,
>> Albert Donnay has a competing theory a CO poisoning as a cause of
>> chemical sensitivity. Excessive levels of CO will increase levels of
>> NO via iNOS. "Marty?s theory is just one little slice of what CO
>> poisoning does to people", said Donnay,
>> Interestingly, stresses of all kind (emotional, chemical, etc)
>> increase CO levels via HO-1. This could explain why emotional stress
>> often heightens sensitivity in sufferers.
>> However, the genetic data point more to a NO etiology. I think the
> two
>> work together to certain degrees depending on the case.
>> The NO/CO pathways should definitely be the focus of research.
>> I think that until more data are collected, the answer to your
>> question would have to be speculative and I don't like speculation.
>> Take care,
>> ~ Pat
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