Re: Ronald Gots
Posted by Paul on 10/04/11
Can someone get me a list, as inclusive as possible of ALL the cases
Ronald Gots has testified in.
I intend to check the properties and see if there's a history of
CONTINUED illnesses as a result of landlords failing to remove toxic
conditions because Got's said it's safe.
This could be the key to solving many MCS and mold cases if we can get
people all in one accord to file a class action suit against Ronald
Gots for convincing landlords to leave dangerous toxins that have
affected our health.
Remember, the landlords who win the case often refuse to remove toxins
because of its expense. And the fact they know they'll win the next
> On 5/22/03, SaraH wrote:
> Pat
> Gotts may be slowing down but his cohorts are alive and active.
> Time for them to be unmasked as well.
> SaraH
> On 5/21/03, Pat wrote:
> I'm not totally sure, but I think Gots is starting to back off.
> I may be incorrect though.
> On 5/14/03, SaraH wrote:
> Pat,
> Any idea if Gots still tries to tesitfy in cases.
> ____________________________________________________________________
> I have been asked to tell the board that Dr. Ron Gots is alive
> well and he and I will be presenting a panel discussion at the
> upcoming Mealey's Mold Litigation Conference at the Ritz Carlton
> Resort on Amelia Island Florida June 12 and 13.
> Dr. Gots was going to testify for the defense in the Genia Rogers
> trial in Charlotte, NC a week and a half ago ( attorneys Chandler
> Workman, Charlotte ) , after I testified for the plaintiff, but he
> walked out of the courthouse without testifying, but I do not know
> the reason. The judgement was for the plaintiff.
> Dr. Richard L. Lipsey
> Professor and Toxicologist
> University of North Florida,
> ---OSHA HazMat Cert.
> U. of Florida Med. Ctr, Jax
> Poison Control Center Board
> CV--Toxicology And Environmental Health Assoc.