Post: Ronald Gots

Posted by Pat on 5/13/03
Probably everyone here knows who Ronald Gots is. Anyone
familiar with his writings or speeches knows he is an
excellent wordsmith (not as good as me though ;))
I thought it might interest some of the alleged skeptics
here to know that I contacted Gots a long time ago and asked
him, very kindly, to refute the data I presented. Gots never
replied. Same with Stephen Barrett (Barrett's own daughter
has FM, which overlaps with MCS over 50% of the time),
though he did reply once but didn't offer any rebuttals
instead referred me to an essay from 10 years ago (which has
already been trashed by Ashford and Miller). In my opinion,
this says a lot about their willingness to openly view data.
In not too long from now an essay of mine will appear in an
issue of the IJT. I think it will pretty much blow the
shreds out of the basis for MCS skepticism.
Anywho, cheers to all,
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