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    Re: Dr. Shoemaker's Treatment Protocol-Yes, he's a Quack!

    Posted by Greg Weatherman on 6/25/03

    John Codie and FF;

    Mr. or Ms. Elliot obviously does not have good reading
    comprehension skills. I am reprinting a standard discalmer on
    the "Chronic Neurotoxins" website at the bottom of the page:


    No guarantees for a cure for any disease are implicitly or
    explicitly given to anyone. No single vision test can fully
    describe function of the visual system or conclusively indicate
    the presence or absence of neurotoxins or neurotoxicity.
    Diagnoses cannot be made and medications cannot be prescribed
    without seeing a physician in person.

    This common medical disclaimer is based on federal law enforced
    by the FDA.

    I have sent several customers to Dr. Shoemaker. I have not heard
    one of them say anything less than fantastic about his skill. I
    recently introduced him to a Microbiologist who has been working
    with toxic mold for 40 years (even though the toxic aspect was
    not known until the late 1960's in the research community).

    This PhD microbiologist's wife is a cardiologist holds a another
    Phd in physiology. He thinks Dr. Shoemaker is onto something.
    he has seen MD's come and go with their ideas. I'm not going to
    give his name because he is already deluged with requests.

    If you're going to slam someone in public forum where you may
    cause them professional or economic harm, you should think twice
    about a word called "slander".

    Also, it is typical for insurance to settle these types of cases
    you are describing because nutcases are not worth the expense of
    trying the case in court.

    I know a biocide manufacturer who was sued in NJ. A woman claimed
    the was unable to work as a model or have a normal relationship
    with her husband because whe was exposed to a glutaradehyde
    sterilant while working in a hospital. It was a chemical
    sensitivity claim. The company investigated. They found that
    she had only worked one day. She was a volunteer. She had
    nothing in the way of money where they could countersue to recoup
    the expenditures. The company was only using EPA label
    directions and OSHA PEL's. Science and the government were not
    looking at the "Sensitizer" issue (one of the EPA Toxicity test
    reflects this gap today). They decided to give her a small
    settlement so she would go away. These things really happen.

    So, For the sake of a good man, put up or shut up.


    Greg Weatherman
    Aerobiological Solutions Inc.
    Arlington VA, 22202

    On 6/24/03, johncodie wrote:
    > If you are going to slam a guy, could you be good enough to
    > identify the state, or federal court, perhaps judge that is
    > going to hear that settlement has been cleared from his court.
    > We want the truth. But we don't want people denied the same
    > rights. Just provide a start to the road map for success.
    > Don't leave everyone else hanging.
    > On 6/24/03, D. Elliot wrote:
    >> On 6/17/03, C J wrote:
    >>> Are there any MCSers who have tried Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker's
    >>> Treatment? I am concidering it and would love to hear from
    >>> anyone who has tried it or something similar already.THANKS!
    >>> CJ
    >> Ritchie doesn't know what he's doing. He prescribes this
    >> drug for a short period of time and doesn't know all of the
    >> ramnifications! Cholestyramine needs to be prescribed for at
    >> least 8 months to work in addition to other protocols. We
    >> are currently in a settlement with him. Don't trust him!

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