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    Re: Dr. Shoemaker's Treatment Protocol-Yes, he's a Quack!

    Posted by johncodie on 6/25/03

    A good ole FDA medical disclaimer does not however; excuse the
    Shoemaker, Huddell, groups web master also a Huddell from giving,
    or administering a medical test that contradicted a doctor in
    california's diagnosis and treatment. Even if this guy was in
    Singapore, he could have been under treatment by telepone. I don't
    think these guys buypassing other medical doctors or treatments is
    a good idea, and violates the guidelines of the American Medial
    Association. Obviously should violate the medical board of the
    state of virgina for a non-doctor presribing a test, and giving
    advise to a man half way around the world in a hospital with a
    diagnoisis, his test did not confirm. You guys really need to go
    back and think about this one. Its bad enough that you can get
    medications by mail-in, but when a guy in the hospital is getting a
    download of CVS battery of test that does not meet that hospitals
    protocol; you have a bad case of malpractice, and fraud.

    You can get this contrast test administered anywhere; and anyone
    can try to assign statistics to what a person knows he has. That
    however does not admit or deny what they don't know he has. The
    only good application i have seen is for glycoma or high blood
    pressure, is the patient taking their medications. The medicine
    that they are administering might be great for the vast population,
    but God forbid if they kill a person, because of what they did not
    see he had.

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