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    Re: Dr. Johan Elliot? Thanks johncodie

    Posted by ff on 7/03/03

    Thanks johncodie:

    The days we spent debating, hammered out some interesting information, so it was
    in the end, beneficial.

    I have checked directly with Dr. Shoemaker, and he is not aware of any litigation
    and/or settlements, he has never even herd of Dr. Johann Elliot. But, we made it
    past that and the end result is that CSM can help people like you and I,and
    Sally, and...

    I wish that I could have disclosed all that I know to you, it could have
    shortened the debate, but I try not to speak for others or to discuss their lives.

    Rather than what? Well, I'm ready to move forward here, as we both stand
    respectfully in our quest for the truth.

    Could you provide the other sites where discussion is ongoing. Also, there is an
    article/commentary in today's Orlando Sentinel ( on mold
    and common sense. The author is the obvious victim of scientific opinion in the
    presence of suppression bias. He believes what he heard, and likely will never
    know better.

    Mary -did you call this guy at the Sentinel? (not a "dig")


    On 7/03/03, John Codie wrote:
    > Rather than what Frank?
    > I've been outside this board and on alternate boards that Phares, Greg, and
    > others post, as a result of the original feudes between, Lipsey, Connell,
    > Haney, and a host of other people. I am not sure of the facts that any of the
    > individual accounts were blocked, but have found evidence of alternate
    > computers and names being used. There were reported attempts (plans) to use
    > free AOL accounts with fictious names, and then cancel the service when the
    > free hours expired. Hats off to Mr. Connell for being consiered such a
    > formaiable opponent on this board that oppostion would go to the extent of
    > possing as an imposter to have the Gentleman banned as well. There is evidence
    > of individuals using remote computers and ISPs under other names to submit
    > introductory questions that they can spring board into being the leading
    > expert. I would like to coin this as a ventrkiqist (speaks out sides of mouth
    > for the dummy) expert. I belive I have seen this type submittal within this
    > past week. All I can say is the stakes must be very high to try to sway the
    > general public as who is an authorative expert in toxic litigation.
    > The individual has already dropped two clues,(M. Ballard has specific
    > knowledge) and the individual is either over seas, or the settlment is being
    > handeld both overseas. Alot of foriegn individuals do not understand our
    > judicial system.
    > From my tying Sally to VCS, her evaluation, and your evaluation, I gained a
    > better insight into the de-tox market. I know one doctor in the area that is
    > quite successful in treating the diebetic patients, whith high blood pressure.
    > He stresses stressenious exercise; which we as a class of people have come to
    > not have time to participate in the redeeming qualities.
    > I am currently curious about a 8 month old childs death that was in an internal
    > EPA investigation report where a peanut fungacide was preported as being
    > responsible in her death. People tend to suppress their failures especially if
    > the farmer would have left out the chemical for ingestion.
    > I however; am compulive for the old goobers and five or six a sitting over the
    > decades have not put me away. It also seem that the bias of dentist does not
    > occur down here as Mary may suggest. Perhaps the doctor and dentist here are
    > two of the best of the best. The individual has place inuendo on the table for
    > the world to view; if it is factural, it will in time be valadated, or if not
    > it will just blow away.
    > I have found in most all cases people that do post, sincerely do have
    > information, and it is human nature to provide a heads up to all that may come
    > in contact. Dr. Shoemaker, and Mr. Huddell have a heads up that their
    > treatments have come under the public's watchful eyes as consumers. There is
    > one individual on the Sickbuilding Yahoo group that has one of the most
    > documented cases of MCS and run in's with the department of defense that I have
    > known. If VCS treatments are as effective in treating, then she should be one
    > of the first to benefit. We are a part of putting solutions in front of, or
    > for the general public. This may be what is termed investigative reporting.
    > The other may be called publishing technical papers for peer review.
    > This board however; has been a battle ground to establish toxic expertise, to
    > tilt the playing field, in either groups favor. I think from my
    > investigations, I can savely say this is a fact. It may not have been the
    > intent of the board. But it does have it's documented history.
    > On 7/03/03, ff wrote:
    >> Dr. Elliot:
    >> Patence sir, please, and thanks for the young man implication, I wish it were
    >> correct.
    >> But while on the subject of "patience," that is exactly what I think the
    >> problem is. You were impatient, jumped the gun, spoke too soon. As you
    >> stated, your alleged story is just unfolding. You were "in settlement," and
    >> now, it seems as thoght you imply that is not the case?
    >> My point has always been, you made an allegation, do you want to back it up,
    >> but now you wait?
    >> NOTE to johncodie: See john, I don't jump to conclusions, I ask questions,
    >> confirm the information, try to get from the horse's mouth, rather than...
    >> ff
    >> On 7/03/03, Dr. J. Elliot wrote:
    >>> Be patient young man and then you will become wise.
    >>> On 7/02/03, ff wrote:
    >>>> D.J. Elliot:
    >>>> Well, I am certainly not the board boss here, but typically, you would
    >>>> refrain from strong wording such as "quack" until you have quacked your
    >>>> own way throught the "unfolding events" as you mention. You also
    >>>> stated "We are currently in a settlement with him." How much more
    >>>> unfolding do you need, after your quack crack?
    >>>> ff
    >>>> On 7/02/03, Dr. J. Elliot wrote:
    >>>>> On 6/24/03, ff wrote:
    >>>>> All in good time. Someone simply asked for public opinion on the
    >>>>> subject of this chap so I provided my own experience. The facts will
    >>>>> unfold as in any case.
    >>>>> Until then, the truth will prevail.
    >>>>>> To: the above named subject/s:
    >>>>>> Would you please be so kind as to provide specific information
    >>>>>> necessary to confirm/defirm the statements/accusations you have made?
    >>>>>> Would you explain what you mean by your statement "We are currently
    >>>>>> in a settlement with him"?
    >>>>>> Is there some other name that you would be identified by, either with
    >>>>>> Dr. Shoemaker, or in the litigation/settlement you referenced?
    >>>>>> I look forward to your response.
    >>>>>> FF
    >>>>>> On 6/24/03, ff wrote:
    >>>>>>> Mr. Elliot:
    >>>>>>> Is it Dr. Elliot? Would you please name those qualified
    >>>>>>> persons/professionals that led you to the conclusion you have
    >>>>>>> broadcast on Toxlaw. Secondly, if in fact you have a lawsuit, does
    >>>>>>> your attorney recommend that you express your opinions (or are they
    >>>>>>> his opinions?) on an international website, specifically naming
    >>>>>>> (and name calling) the person you identify as the defendant?
    >>>>>>> You sound like an attorney's nightmare to me, and a nightmare for
    >>>>>>> others you cross paths with. One thing that I believe has recently
    >>>>>>> been cleared up on this board, and there seems to be a consensus
    >>>>>>> here I hope, is that the style of the post is an indication of
    >>>>>>> credibility and intent. I can picture your pre-trial post coming
    >>>>>>> into the courtroom, in your case, as it goes to your character.
    >>>>>>> Possibly you should have waited until a decision has been reached?
    >>>>>>> "If you don't like it..., It makes no matter...,Too bad... " falls
    >>>>>>> short of what is needed.
    >>>>>>> FF
    >>>>>>> On 6/24/03, D. Elliot wrote:
    >>>>>>>> I just speak the truth. If you don't like it, look up my case in
    >>>>>>>> international courts. I live overseas. It makes no matter.
    >>>>>>>> You trust this quack. Too bad. Ask Melinda Ballard. She will
    >>>>>>>> tell you. The truth will prevail in the end.
    >>>>>>>> Dr. Johan Elliot
    >>>>>>>> On 6/24/03, johncodie wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> If you are going to slam a guy, could you be good enough to
    >>>>>>>>> identify the state, or federal court, perhaps judge that is
    >>>>>>>>> going to hear that settlement has been cleared from his court.
    >>>>>>>>> We want the truth. But we don't want people denied the same
    >>>>>>>>> rights. Just provide a start to the road map for success.
    >>>>>>>>> Don't leave everyone else hanging.
    >>>>>>>>> On 6/24/03, D. Elliot wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>> On 6/17/03, C J wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>> Are there any MCSers who have tried Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker's
    >>>>>>>>>>> Treatment? I am concidering it and would love to hear from
    >>>>>>>>>>> anyone who has tried it or something similar already.THANKS!
    >>>>>>>>>>> CJ
    >>>>>>>>>> Ritchie doesn't know what he's doing. He prescribes this
    >>>>>>>>>> drug for a short period of time and doesn't know all of the
    >>>>>>>>>> ramnifications! Cholestyramine needs to be prescribed for at
    >>>>>>>>>> least 8 months to work in addition to other protocols. We
    >>>>>>>>>> are currently in a settlement with him. Don't trust him!

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