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    Re: Re:fungicides/EPA investigation etc etc etc Hey FF

    Posted by ff on 7/04/03

    Hi Mary:

    Thanks for the heads up. Just exactly what is it that he does well? To me his methodology is
    his biggest problem. I believe he could serve well to advance his issues if he were to refine
    his effort, and focus his time on direct hits. There is plenty to last him a life time, real
    stuff, without having to fabricate. An engineer ought to know better, be more exact I'm sure
    he doen't manipulate his engineering in the same way that he plugs in substitutes for

    I've actually taken a little time off, so he gave me a nice break. Who knows, maybe he can
    find an effective treatment for his exposure/health problems?

    Regarding VCS and CSM, it is interesting that as symptoms subside, VCS scores improve. I would
    like to see more on this. Personally, I would opt for good health over a lawsuit any day.
    I've seen both sides, or many sides over the last decade.

    Relax? I fixin' to (southern for "later"), in fact, I'm shutting down here for a while. Enjoy
    the holiday.


    On 7/04/03, Mary wrote:
    > Hey FF:
    > Dude, you gotta just let johncodiethecrazyengineer slide man. Either sit back and laugh or
    > just let him go on being himself. Reason and logic don't work so good with him, you know? He
    > is just being johncodie. That's what he does, and does it well.
    > Go outside and play now.
    > Happy 4th. Think kind things about our friends and family in far off lands.
    > Best Regards
    > Mary
    > On 7/04/03, ff wrote:
    >> On 7/04/03, Deborah D/ wrote:
    >>> Go ahead John Codie! Right on the nail.
    >> What do you mean by that? I think he keeps hammering his thumb.
    >> The way to get the facts is to get out from behind the computer, and be objective, go
    >> directly to the source. Just consider the statement "Now I understand why you you cannot
    >> divluge facts." Consider the absurdity of another of johncodies false conclusions which
    >> twist the truth around to where he emerges as the assumed authority for subjects of which
    >> he knows little about, but continues to weave into accusations.
    >> But to me, the worst part of it is, he will not ask for the information as I have
    >> suggested. Deb. D., do you know who johncodie is? Do you know anything about this guy?
    >> And I will say it again, if anyone can match my honesty and integrity, and concern for
    >> others, let's see it. I have a long history of pursuing the truth, the answers, the
    >> solutions, and doing it out in the real world.
    >> ff
    >>>> On 7/03/03, johncodie wrote:
    >>>>> Frank:
    >>>>> . This goes back to dosage, or dosage over
    >>>>> time. Now I understand why you can't divulge the informtion, that you know about;
    >>>>> but if you have found a way to "find the facts" without putting a gun to the persons
    >>>>> head, or drugged, or tortured the individual; you need to let us know how it is
    >>>>> accomplished. I find that most individuals want to tell the truth, and be a part of
    >>>>> the solution, but are most times fearful of the reprecussions. You can clear alot
    >>>>> of rocks up until you have been bitten a couple of times, before you realize
    >>>>> creatures that can harm seek refuge there, and it goes better, but slower if you
    >>>>> prod with a stick before offering a limb. I prefer hickory, whats your preference.

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