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    Re: Re:fungicides/EPA ,etc,etc, Hey Johncodie

    Posted by Mary on 7/20/03

    Hey Johncodiethecrazyengineer:

    I'm sorry, but could you perhaps rephrase the question? I don't understand what you are asking.

    Best Regards,


    Did you have a pleasant 4th of July holiday?

    On 7/20/03, johncodie wrote:
    > Mary:
    > Could you give me a refresh on the legal defense theory; as why plantiffs should'nt get any more than they are
    > entitled to receive under the most conservative defense biased laws. You know the one where you defended the white
    > shirt power tie attorney, isn't the blood sucking creatures from hell, because he simply needs a client that can
    > continue to pay for incompetence, and he needs his associates billings to be up this month. You know paying for a
    > solid year for incompetence during these times is a real luxury, most insurance companies are finding it hard to
    > continue to afford; expecially with these nickel and dime 4 to 5 million dollar awards adding up. Its funny to see
    > these self assured power brokers hem and haw in front of the judge; as to why they can't produce any documents after
    > seven years; and their only product is a promise, and a policy. Can you tell me Mary where they mix up this product
    > called ignorant errogance? Is it like a product manufactured in secret, like "Pepsi" or "Coke", under the Insuarnce
    > Associations National Umbrella for the elizer for life. Or is the the elizer for lying for a living hoping for a new
    > client. I really got a good laugh out of your last legal defense of the industry. Could you possibly conjure up the
    > spirit of old pioneers, who rebuilt Chicago, or gave the American People, something worth inveseting their hard earned
    > money into. You can start a new prestieous award like the Darwin Award for people that find creative ways to limit
    > the gene pool. You can call it the Boob of the month award. The defense attorney that has been successful in conning
    > his client into a mulimillon dollar judgement; and not even being aware that the industry had already put floresent
    > red bulls eye, on the back of that tweed coat. Don't belive in revenge Mary; but do you consider the embarrasement of
    > the truth, fair play?
    > If you never knew its not the sound, it's the attitude.
    > On 7/18/03, Mary wrote:
    >> Hey y'all.
    >> Whas all dis talk abou a suthren drall?
    >> I done think any a you got a drall.
    >> I wudn't wurry abou no yankees sayun you gotta drall, 'cause day don no nutin, specialy about no mold and stuff.
    >> Mary (mayre)
    >> (No offense intended. I've learned that I have no idea how to speak 'southern drawl' let alone any idea about how to
    >> write it. I defer to others.)
    >> Hey FF:
    >> You still going head to head with my buddy johncodiethecrazyengineer? You have got to let it go man. Just let john
    >> do his thing. It seems to be good for him.
    >> Best Regards
    >> Mary
    >> On 7/18/03, ff wrote:
    >>> OK johncodie, got you, I understand. My reference is to a bias that is as simple as money and power over time.
    >>> People get burned because of suppression bias. Can't help much with the southern drawl.
    >>> ff
    >>> On 7/18/03, johncodie wrote:
    >>>> The man is referring to building inspectors that inspected his home, that later got laws passed not making them
    >>>> not liable for thier over looking problems in bu ildings. Case in point are the people that burned to death due
    >>>> to the fireworks set off in the club, had inspections, and the current laws protect those who overlook, or look
    >>>> the other way.
    >>>> Most recent trips to Boston, and hearing a southern drawl; people what to know about how we caused such suffering
    >>>> of a class group a hundred years ago, in a period of the country called slavery and slave trade. Excuse me, what
    >>>> does that have to do with having or retaining a southern drawl.
    >>>> We proceed on down to Martha's Vineyard from the Ferry and come to a local church for tour and look to find some
    >>>> air conditioning. Well the proprietor for the church is from Bella Batra Al. We ask her where Chapaqitic is
    >>>> since we thought there would be a marker or sign, of its historical signficance. With a polite smile she respond
    >>>> that the local will be reluctant to even respond to the question.
    >>>> My point is bias between individuals, or groups may be as simple or complex as a time in history, and a way of
    >>>> life, or a geographical location on a map. If I have a southern drawl why am I guilty of slavery, while when
    >>>> asked of a historical landmark, it is a subject that is very curtly ignored.
    >>>> On 7/18/03, ff wrote:
    >>>>> Last message:
    >>>>> More clearly, consider that by the time Mr. Moultous approached persons in responsible positions, they had
    >>>>> already formed opinions based on biased/suppressed science. This places Mr. Moultous, and all others, at the
    >>>>> disadvantage of having to change opinions, almost an impossibility at that point.
    >>>>> Credibility is also an obstacle standing in the way of changing (invalid) opinions. Face it, either of us an
    >>>>> individuals are considered less credible than research and other scientists from agencies, institutiuons, and
    >>>>> corporations.
    >>>>> Another factor that should not be over looked is the difference in perspectives, yours for example, versus an
    >>>>> agency or politician that has to deal with hundreds or thousands of similar cases, routinely. Even the most
    >>>>> sympathetic could be subject to callous from being overloaded, underfunded, and yet bombarded with pleas for
    >>>>> help on an individual or personal basis.
    >>>>> ffbb
    >>>>> On 7/18/03, ff wrote:
    >>>>>> johncodie:
    >>>>>> You are still pretty far off from anything I have tried to convey. I appreciate Mr. Moultous' effort, and
    >>>>>> regret his family's health problems, but somehow, if you want to make a change, letters like Mr. Moultous
    >>>>>> need to be recognized as potentially damaging to his effort rather than beneficial (I have written a few
    >>>>>> myself). I propose that a beneficial effort should be focused on those entities responsible for suppression
    >>>>>> bias. Then, legitimate entities are presented accurate information rather than unknowingly, having already
    >>>>>> formed invalid opinions, formed as a result of suppression bias. We will not live long enough to make
    >>>>>> accomplishments by APPEARING as a whinining, nagging, entity to others that don't want to hear it in the
    >>>>>> first place.
    >>>>>> ff
    >>>>>> On 7/18/03, johncodie wrote:
    >>>>>>> My first introduction to Ken Moultous on the sickbuilding board yahoo was veiwing a hospital bed that was
    >>>>>>> in his home for his son. Ken had to move back to Oklahoma to have a place to live after suffering all the
    >>>>>>> years of inactivity. At first the assumptions are wow what a whiner, or this guy must be a mental case.
    >>>>>>> But after a few years and realization that nursing homes are abusing our loved ones by neglect and finally
    >>>>>>> pass laws to protect. The unfortunate families that provide hospital home care for a loved one has little
    >>>>>>> to no laws to protect the quality of air, or housing for their most desperate citizens. While bed ridden
    >>>>>>> they are protected by the same Constitutional Rights of every other able bodied man and woman.
    >>>>>>> Bias starts with the individual and extends across state lines. As a ragging range fire threating
    >>>>>>> thousands of families across our nation, legislation is being passed to study the effects of fire on
    >>>>>>> dewelling. To much time is being lost in the time period. We need updated building codes,and laws for
    >>>>>>> TEXAS flood victims now; Minimum moisture readings within a building over a time period before it has to
    >>>>>>> be ripped open and remediated. The days of it will dry, and paint stain block over it and path it are over.
    >>>>>>> Mr. Moultous
    >>>>>>> From:
    >>>>>>> Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:03:15 EDT
    >>>>>>> Subject: For the hearing on SB657
    >>>>>>> To:,
    >>>>>>> CC:,,
    >>>>>>> HTML Attachment [ Scan with Norton AntiVirus | Save to my Yahoo! Briefcase | Download Without Scan ]
    >>>>>>> For the hearing on SB657 (please forward to the committee) -
    >>>>>>> July 17, 2003
    >>>>>>> I was unable to attend the hearing on SB657, Toxic Mold bill by Rob O'Leary, on July 16, 2003 at the State
    >>>>>>> House. My family and I are sick and recovering from the severe and unhealthy effects from the Toxic Mold
    >>>>>>> that was in our home in Centerville.
    >>>>>>> My Wife, Virginia, recently had to have eye surgery. It seems her eyes are infected from the Toxic Mold and
    >>>>>>> it caused a tumor to grow. While you listen to feel good legislation, Virginia almost lost her sight.
    >>>>>>> Remember our Toxic Mold is the direct result of the documented, in Government Public Records you have all
    >>>>>>> seen, illegal acts and failures of Massachusetts and the Town of Barnstable.
    >>>>>>> A little over a year ago we spoke before your Committee about the Toxic Mold bill we had written and
    >>>>>>> proposed. I listened to your speeches in front of the television cameras after the hearing in which you
    >>>>>>> described what needed to be changed to make my legislation acceptable.
    >>>>>>> I made the changes you stated in your television interview and resubmitted it to you as a replacement. It
    >>>>>>> was then that you showed, by your total failure to act, that your television statements were a ruse.
    >>>>>>> The bill by State Senator Rob O'Leary is a do nothing piece of legislation that will harm rather than help
    >>>>>>> in the fight against Toxic Mold. It will allow, you, the State to stall. Anybody that has been infected by
    >>>>>>> Toxic Mold does not need another biased study to be done. We need action. NOW!
    >>>>>>> We need responsible politicians to help us. Sadly, after an exhausting search over the past decade, I have
    >>>>>>> found self-serving politicians who grandstand on issues and ignore people. You speak of your sadness and
    >>>>>>> concerns before the media and then do NOTHING!
    >>>>>>> My family, like many others, lived in Toxic Mold for some years before we knew we had it. If it had been in
    >>>>>>> our workplace perhaps we could have found another job but we were not so lucky. It was where we lived, ate
    >>>>>>> and slept. It infected all of us. According to Medical, Insurance and Toxic Mold reports, our Toxic Mold is
    >>>>>>> a direct result of the combined corruption and failures of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Town
    >>>>>>> of Barnstable,
    >>>>>>> Even before I knew of the Toxic Mold I came to Beacon Hill and the state for help to fight the government
    >>>>>>> corruption of the local and state building inspectors that knowingly allowed this to happen to us. I
    >>>>>>> contacted every Governor and AG since 1993. All protected the corrupt and the corruption rather than the
    >>>>>>> citizens. All of the investigating Massachusetts agencies; Inspector General, Banking, Auditor, Treasurer
    >>>>>>> and others, turned a deaf ear to corruption.
    >>>>>>> You, the Legislature went so far as to pass a bill, without discussion or record of votes, to grant
    >>>>>>> immunity to any corrupt inspectors that broke the law. This was done to stop my efforts to have
    >>>>>>> accountability. By doing this, you, the legislature emboldened more open and widespread corruption. You
    >>>>>>> allowed the expansion and growth of Toxic Mold. You must bear the responsibility for many of the illnesses
    >>>>>>> we face from the Toxic Mold.
    >>>>>>> The State Health Department and DEP have refused my requests for them to inspect our Toxic Mold. These are
    >>>>>>> two groups that you now want to lead the study of Toxic Mold. In my opinion, they wouldn't know it was
    >>>>>>> daylight unless they held a study or read it somewhere.
    >>>>>>> The state building standards, another group you want to lead the study, is headed by Tom Rogers. As I told
    >>>>>>> you all over a year ago, he was ruled by the State as not qualified to be a building inspector but he still
    >>>>>>> holds his job. I also told you he even refused to provide reports requested in a hand delivered memo from
    >>>>>>> the AG for reports of inspector and builder corruption he had inspected. The investigation was closed. A
    >>>>>>> few years ago he even failed to respond to requests from the Legislature.
    >>>>>>> I also told you and showed you State Public Records that he said our home was unsafe and illegal due to the
    >>>>>>> illegal acts of the town and state but he refused to write a report as the law and his job required. Have
    >>>>>>> you ever bothered to question him on these violations of State Law? Why has he not been fired?
    >>>>>>> This is wonderful Massachusetts and what you say passes for Government sounds more like a third world
    >>>>>>> country where corruption is the rule rather than the exception. If you want to support O'Leary's bill, feel
    >>>>>>> free to. It is a waste of time that helps nobody. It allows those that have been asked to investigate in
    >>>>>>> the past to play a farce in your "new" effort of politics.
    >>>>>>> I call them like I see them and I call this a sucker piece of feel good legislation, that helps nobody ill
    >>>>>>> from Toxic Mold. The SD2070 that I submitted is the legislation I refined to satisfy your objections that
    >>>>>>> you expressed last year. It does what you wanted so why are you holding it prisoner? The answer is your
    >>>>>>> television comments were public relations rather than the truth.
    >>>>>>> Ken Moulton
    >>>>>>> P O Box 874
    >>>>>>> Hyannisport, MA 02647
    >>>>>>> E-mail:
    >>>>>>> On 7/15/03, johncodie wrote:
    >>>>>>>> On 7/15/03, ff wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> Johncodie:
    >>>>>>>>> You are so far off from anything I have tried to convey to you. If you want to extract the truth,
    >>>>>>>>> change your methods? Personally, and respectfully mr. johncodie, I am not going to waste any more time
    >>>>>>>>> or space while you weave in and out of various issues and events, short of the information you need to
    >>>>>>>>> reach valid conclusions.
    >>>>>>>> Personally, I have been awakened to the unsuspecting, apathetic
    >>>>>>>> public, really getting what they deserve (or to put it a better way, what they do not earn by failing
    >>>>>>>> to keep up with their civic duty, unless hit personally, they don't get involved).
    >>>>>>>> Im sorry I don't feel the same way. If you live in Boston and you don't fit in with the Kennedy bias
    >>>>>>>> then your not going to win. Talk with Ken Moltous, he left Barnstable MA to go back to Oklahoma to
    >>>>>>>> survive. He is writting legislation that is getting buried in Study. He did not did deserve the
    >>>>>>>> nonsupport to the State Officials there. I just don't think the lack of education, or fear should keep
    >>>>>>>> thehard earning taxpayers, from getting their dollars worth. It, "insurance/mortgage finance" and
    >>>>>>>> disclosure has been termed "legal stealing". Now that is an oxy-moron.
    >>>>>>>> If we don't have any protected rights, then why did everyone waste thier time celebrating the 4th this
    >>>>>>>> year? Since morals don't involve religon, it might not go around to everyone; the worst sin is being
    >>>>>>>> betrayed.

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