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    Re: Mary < **The Revised Mason-Dixon Line**

    Posted by ff on 8/08/03


    You can straighten this out. You'ns, You's guys, yinz, ya'll, all ya'all.. The largest city in this Florida county is a retirement
    community for norther retirees. I question the applicability, or usefulness of the imaginary Mason-Dixon line, as true southerners are
    getting harder to find. Johncodie will no doubt appreciate this: the worst thing I've ever heard is an actor trying to talk southern. Years
    back, I believe it was Huey Long? Anyway, someone argued that "yankee" bees were cross breeding with southern bees, and ruining the honey.
    POssibly the mold in the south is coming from the influx of northern retirees bringing mold contaminated materials into the state. Maybe the
    Department of Agriculture Inspection Station should start checking for more than plants, and see about this mold thing. We have a mutitude
    of problems ranging from bees to mold to northerners feeding the 'gators, that eat people when you don't feed them, usually southerners.

    If a Mason Dixon line had to be established today, it'd be a tough job. Mary, take a break, order a book "If Nothin' Don't Happen" by David
    Newell. I'm fixin' to go see if I can find my ol' copy, you'll love it, laugh a lot, and learn a little on speakin' southern.


    On 8/07/03, Roc wrote:
    > Yinz guys aren't making sense now. A revised Mason Dixon Line?
    > Yinz should stay on opposite sides of the line.
    > Sorry Mary, I have no questions on MCS. Roc
    > On 8/07/03, Mary wrote:
    >> Hey roosta:
    >> Now I'm really troubled... Highway construction work and detours could touch off another civil war. Oh my. (OH MY, YINZ!!!)
    >> Best regards,
    >> Mary
    >> On 8/07/03, roosta wrote:
    >>> On 8/03/03, Mary wrote:
    >>> I finally have that answer for you:
    >>> "Mason-Dixon Line, boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland
    >>> (running between lat. 39°43'26.3"N and lat.
    >>> 39°43'17.6"N),
    >>> surveyed by the English astronomers Charles Mason and Jeremiah
    >>> Dixon between 1763 and 1767."
    >>> Hope this helps.
    >>> The Revised Mason-Dixon Line starts at I-10 Exit 199 in Az, runs east to Exit 187 in Texas,
    >>> continues east to DFW,thence to Exit 22 in Ga, thence runs south to I-10 Exit 83 in Fl.,
    >>> thence runs west to POB.

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