Posted by K on 6/20/03
*There's so much to write I will sum up our case but please realize there is a lot more to it than noted below* I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this email and any consideration you give to taking our case. We need an aggressive AZ attorney who specializes in construction defects, insurance bad faith, and personal injury from toxic mold - medically documented since purchase of this new house - video taped investigation and contractor/adjuster communication - recorded phone conversations - journal - 30 to 40+ construction defects - many involving major water intrusion including large vent in two-story attic (4'X 3' vent) set into wall but never secured or sealed allowing water intrusion into wall cavities since move in (April 2000) - discovered Feb. 2003 when my husband (electrician) installed a ceiling fan above our bed in our master suite giving the water a visible inlet (unnoticed until this point - water seepage into wall cavities, etc) -much to explain - not enough space - worked with builder to do the "right thing" for months - ended up filing with insurance who is becoming our new nightmare (limiting scope of work, conspiracy with their hired experts (have proof), lying, etc) - builder covered up one area of mold when a slow leak was discovered about a year ago - neighbors witnessed black stained drywall and insulation being taken from our home - builder removed us from the house at this time for 3 days because I have asthma and the "drywall dust" from removing drywall and replacing it to straighten out very crooked ceilings/walls - we have hired our own expert who discovered some of the yellow insulation with black mold still intact stuck to nail board that the builder missed when they pulled it out and replaced it with pink insulation - no remediation was performed they just fixed the leak and closed the area back up - we didn't even consider "mold" until Fall 2002 when a slow leak was discovered above the kitchen soffit coming from the hall bath upstairs - avoided telling me even though I asked this time also - we hired a certified lab to test the area which confirmed toxic mold (stachybotris/aspergillus/more) - left us in home during remediation - the builder's hired consultant/expert (was not even certified) cleared the area after remediation - our expert noted by looking at the report that it shouldn't have been cleared because spores were identified indoors that were not outdoors - that area now is one of the "moldiest" areas - same consultant contracted by builder cleared the air testing in February - builder will not give us complete report - we received smudged reports that you can tell the lines on the report were drawn back over the original and changed - further testing from 3 CIH consultants found opposite results & there are many areas in the home with toxic mold - I can't even go into the garage without ending up getting sick and coughing up blood for weeks - a pulmonary specialist has noted that I can cough up blood "on command" - he performed a bronchoscopy - cultures are not back yet - our expert thinks we may have a "body temperature type mold" that is not being identified - many tests will produce a false- negative with this particular species (but there are others as well) - We were in hotels from Feb-April then insurance put us in an apartment which we were evacuated from after 4-5 weeks for water intrusion/mold issues - we are now in another apartment - we are a family of 6 (four sons) and we really need an aggressive attorney to represent us. Even our insurance adjuster says we are in his top 3 really bad cases & we have a very strong claim against our builder. Please let me know if you have any questions. As I stated at the top there is a lot more information but I have tried to sum it up as tightly as possible. I will look forward to your thoughts and hearing from you. Thanks so much!
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