Post: Women with sick bluiding kipnapped
Posted by Sandy on 6/20/03
i had lawyer for sick bluiding and he didnt do his job.he deamnd i sign papers i didnt want to sign I had 150.000.00 worth damages he told judge said 25.000.00 I wanted a trialI demanded see the judgea after 6 years waiting.only way if sign a divorce papers and lost heath care I needed I said no sec got ugly and said sign or judge make you.A person I though cared .demand I go with him to another state little did i know he only wanted money I try to get awayand when to motel he found me at 430am in morning he was atrested for kipnapping and abuse.and breaking bond .I was treaated awfull so scared for end he ask if feeled funny heput stuff in drink he said and demanding moneywhich I gave out fear.aT THAT POINT I risk emailing a freind that got police there and he was taken to jailbut got out on bond again to stalk me again.I had to stay here for trial.which took rest whatI had left I apply for help for emency disibly local i waited few months came back no.but still waiting for state ssi .they want to get mental test.for they say that this can cause sick bluiding mcs.I knowc not in my head and now i am broke and almost homeless the guy got 5 days in jail on plea bargin and they say cant prove he demanded the money. I try 2 high profile lawyers but they dont have time or money in return would not weight out. In my case it is goverment love canal number two.Milerty dumping I have maps was tested and dignose sick bluiding but now tumors as well as my kids and kids lived in area are in 20 30 cant have kids ?cancer is high I was told where got map long you lived there signs be out 20 years well also 20 and i got tumor and dog cover with sore and tumors as well other and there pets the media was silent so didnt get out.can some give me advice?
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