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    Posted by Karen on 6/23/03

    I have always been a very strong, independant and capable
    woman who could basically do anything I set my mind to do.
    I was very outgoing, I loved people and I loved to laugh
    and play, I worked out at the gym at least 4 times a week,
    roller bladed, danced, took karate lession, yoga, etc.
    Within a year of purchasing my condo all of this stopped.
    I became a total recluse, severely depressed and had
    suicidal thoughts frequently. I couldn't understand what
    was going on with me. There was nothing going on in my
    life for me not to want to live anymore. My fatigue became
    so bad that everything I did became monumental. I had joint
    and muscle pain, severe memory loss and confusion, I lost
    my jog becasue I couldn't function at work, I had boils on
    my face, night sweats, insomnia, digestive problems, chest
    pains, panic attacks, and the list goes on. My family and
    friends watched this transition and couldn't believe it.
    My whole personality changed in front of their eyes. To
    make a long story short, I took an overdose of pills to
    kill myself. Thank God I was not successful. I have read
    about others who had also attempted suicide or experienced
    suicidal thoughts while exposed to toxic mold. In fact,
    several months ago I read a post on the toxic chat board
    that a mother and daughter had committed suicide while
    living in a mold environment and their family was crying
    out for help and information. They wanted to know if mold
    could have caused this. Well, I am convinced that it can
    and does! If you have had this same experience of know of
    anyone else who has had suicidal thoughts or attempts,
    please email me, I'd love to hear from you.



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