Re: Doctor Shoemaker
Posted by ff on 6/25/03
is johncodie your real name?
I would not recommend anyone post their personal specifics on
he internet, is that really what you are after? Do you have
some specific interest in me personally, it sounds creepy to
me? Hell, you cannot even admit where you live or who you
are. Calm down here a minute, and back off of the
authoritative position you have promoted yourself into.
The ball is in Mr. Elliot's court. He made an allegation,
tried to discredit a professional, now back it up.
As for treatments, do you want a lawsuit or your health
back? Which is more important to you, I am beginning to
Is the kind of BS you want to promote on the board?
In closing, and in keeping with my first post on this board,
you need to have your facts straight before you start
spouting off. In fact, that's what you told Mr. Elliot and
many others in the past. I simply resonded with fact: Doctor
Shoemaker has never heard of Johan Elliot or his
referenced "settlement." Go back to the subject of the posts.
On 6/25/03, Johncodie wrote:
> Frank
> If Doctor Shoemaker was your attending physican, then by
> all means, identify who the intial docotors were, who gave
> you the referral. If you went to Virginia for the
> treatment. What was the diagnosis, what was the
> treatment. What are you able to do now that you were not
> able to do before. I have seen them try to apply the CVS
> screening to MCS, and an assortment other ailments. I am
> not sure what has since been endorsed or approved by the
> FDA, Optometric Societies, or new Medical Specialist
> Council of the American Medical Association. Could it have
> been a treated or diagnosied by any other means?
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