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    Re: Doctor Shoemaker

    Posted by ff on 6/25/03

    Mr. Johncodie, or whoever you are:

    I really do not want to waste any more space or time here, it's
    your call? You said it all when you stated "I work the
    information that I get and try to run it either to ground or to a
    reliable place."

    You do not gather information well, or at least the correct
    information. I stated over and over, and so did Dr. Hudnell,
    that you don't have your facts straight. You still don't. You
    are living in a fantasy world if you think you can advance any
    subject to a reliable point when the information you work off of
    is not reliable. You simply massage your perceptions into
    something that makes sense to you, or that you reach some heoght
    of enjoyment or disgust from. This doesn't mean it is correct.

    Of course, recognize that you have placed yourself in an
    authoritative position, to run to ground or to reliability,
    information, much of which is miscontrued or false, and most of
    which no single person is qualified to address in total. It's a
    dangerous game you are playing, in a manner of speaking.

    I choose to try and move forward in a positive manner, utilize
    resources appropriately, gain information, facts, and
    understanding, seek solutions. What do you want to do Mr. Codie?

    First, I would suggest you practice what you preach, don't post
    on the board unless you use your real name, and we know who you
    are, unless you impose restrictions/rules on others that you
    yourself, for some reason, do not have to adhere to.


    On 6/25/03, johncodie wrote:
    > On 6/25/03, ff wrote:
    >> john,
    >> is johncodie your real name? yes
    >> I would not recommend anyone post their personal specifics on
    >> he internet, is that really what you are after?
    > I am after why Dr. Shoemaker would propose to test thousands of
    > children in the State of Florida to see if they might have
    > toxic exposure.
    > Do you have some specific interest in me personally, it
    > sounds creepy to > me? No specific interest.
    > You posted that Dr. Shoemaker saved your life.
    > Hell, you cannot even admit where you live or who you
    >> are.
    > I am the village idiot taking on big money. I am an engineer.
    > I went to the same undergradutate university as Phares did. As
    > long a Dr. Shoemaker and Mr. Huddell and his web master
    > advertise as experts in thier clinic in Virginia, and charge
    > fees on the internet they are subject to scrutinity by the FTC.
    > Calm down here a minute, and back off of the
    >> authoritative position you have promoted yourself into.
    > Mr. Huddell stated that he was moving his office with EPA and
    > would respond, when he got re-settled. Still waiting like alot
    > of other individuals that has heard of CVS.
    >> The ball is in Mr. Elliot's court. He made an allegation,
    >> tried to discredit a professional, now back it up. The ball
    > is in Dr. Shoemakers court as he is still advertising his CVS
    > method of detection on the open market. Mr. Elliot appears to
    > be a dissatisfied cleint and wants his money back.
    >> As for treatments, do you want a lawsuit or your health
    >> back?
    > I have already stated I don't have any of the metallic taste or
    > charateristics that he advertises. So why should i want to
    > take his test? I am already in litigation so any half truths
    > that come out to be false hoods it very benefical to the legal
    > system.
    > Which is more important to you, I am beginning to
    >> wonder? What is more inportant to is the Children that I
    > keep and work for. My last e-mail from MS Ballard is any thing
    > keep digging for the children that can't understand what the
    > fight is about.
    >> Is the kind of BS you want to promote on the board? I would
    > ike to cut the middle man money makers out of this market like
    > Phares indicating a technician could probably do as good of a
    > bob in taking samplings
    >> In closing, and in keeping with my first post on this board,
    >> you need to have your facts straight before you start
    >> spouting off.
    > I work the information that I get and try to run it either to
    > ground or to a reliable place.
    > In fact, that's what you told Mr. Elliot and
    >> many others in the past.
    > Ask Dr. Shoemaker's webmaster if he is still administering test
    > by the internet, and giving diagnosis, or advising what
    > medication that they should be taking. The man from california
    > talking with Mr. Huddell (webmaster) was very upset his test
    > came back negative, when it was previously a positive lab test
    > in california.
    > I simply resonded with fact: Doctor
    >> Shoemaker has never heard of Johan Elliot or his
    >> referenced "settlement." Go back to the subject of the posts.
    >> I am not suprised Shoemaker has never heard of Johan Elliot,
    > he does not hear or respond to everyone that purchases services
    > from his internet clinic.
    >> ff
    >> On 6/25/03, Johncodie wrote:
    >>> Frank
    >>> If Doctor Shoemaker was your attending physican, then by
    >>> all means, identify who the intial docotors were, who gave
    >>> you the referral. If you went to Virginia for the
    >>> treatment. What was the diagnosis, what was the
    >>> treatment. What are you able to do now that you were not
    >>> able to do before. I have seen them try to apply the CVS
    >>> screening to MCS, and an assortment other ailments. I am
    >>> not sure what has since been endorsed or approved by the
    >>> FDA, Optometric Societies, or new Medical Specialist
    >>> Council of the American Medical Association. Could it have
    >>> been a treated or diagnosied by any other means?

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