Re: Doctor Shoemaker
Posted by johncodie on 6/25/03
I am very familiar with your area and the politics on the beltway.
I usually stay at the Crystal City Double Tree. I have to admit it
is a very sound and close knit business adventure that everyone has
joined into referreals. The business must be doing very well.
Confused, I don't think so! You see if I take this little test,
and am confused about the results, then I can hit the additinonal
key and enter my credit card numbers so I can talk with Dr.
Shoemaker over a test that has already had its disclaimer posted at
the bottom of the page. I am not suprized that I hit on some
nerves. What would you specifically get for that additional
hundred dollar fee, that the was based upon a test that has already
been disclaimered. Last time I got an MRI and paid about as much
through insurance, I got result, but did not get the disclaimer.
Greg what is the disclaimer you pointed out supposed to mean?
Oh I get it, the truth gets in the way of good business sometimes.
On 6/25/03, Greg Weatherman wrote:
> John Codie,
> I know you mean well but, you seem very confused to me. I am in
> Arlington VA. I have a company seperate from Dr. Shoemaker. Dr.
> Shoemaker is 4 hours east of me in Pocomoke MD. He is literally
> next to the Atlantic Ocean. He has worked with patients in the
> past with "attending physicians". This means he works with local
> doctors to give a differential diagnosis (together). This is a
> very common practice born from the fact that medicine is complex
> and two doctors can combat malpractice help the patient better
> than one. Also, he does not tell a patient that he needs
> $10,000.00 payment and exclusivity before diagnosis and eventual
> treatment. I won't name names but, There is a notable doctor
> doing this practice. It is legal but it raises the
> question, "How does the average nonrich person get quality
> healthcare"?
> Ken Hudnell, PhD Neurotoxicologist with the EPA, has worked with
> the VCS technology for years. He and others study human health
> with regards to neurotoxicity from industrial chemicals like
> organics and heavy metals. This type of research helps the EPA
> evaluate the harm that may be posed by the realese of toxic
> chemicals to the environment.
> Although it is the HHS that oversees human health, The EPA bases
> its decisions on human, wildlife and plant toxicity. They are
> charged with this responsibility by Congress.
> Ken Hudnell has worked with dry cleaning chemicals and their
> health effects to the nervous system. Biotoxins - whether they
> are mycotoxins are other biologically derived toxins - are very
> similar in chemical composition to the industrial organic
> solvents like chemicals used for dry claning. Ken Hudnell
> decided to do some research on the side with Dr. Shoemaker
> because they both think there is a reason for these unexplained
> and untreated illness and discomforts. The science is solid.
> These groups you speak about are funded by special interest or
> (if they are indeed pure and follow science) act like slow moving
> ships when turning. They are waiting on the National Academy of
> Sciences or other body of experts to give the research
> the "golden stamp of approval".
> Maybe Phares Heindl can tell us about the dangers of being
> a "standard setting organization" with respect to litigation that
> originated with the National Pool and Spa Association and
> personal injury lawsuits.
> Although your questions are good, life is far more complex as
> your engineer background should verify.
> Regards,
> Greg Weatherman
> Aerobiological Solutions Inc.
> Arlington VA 22202
> *******************************************************
> On 6/25/03, johncodie wrote:
>> On 6/25/03, ff wrote:
>>> john,
>>> is johncodie your real name? yes
>>> I would not recommend anyone post their personal specifics on
>>> he internet, is that really what you are after?
>> I am after why Dr. Shoemaker would propose to test thousands of
>> children in the State of Florida to see if they might have
>> toxic exposure.
>> Do you have some specific interest in me personally, it
>> sounds creepy to > me? No specific interest.
>> You posted that Dr. Shoemaker saved your life.
>> Hell, you cannot even admit where you live or who you
>>> are.
>> I am the village idiot taking on big money. I am an engineer.
>> I went to the same undergradutate university as Phares did. As
>> long a Dr. Shoemaker and Mr. Huddell and his web master
>> advertise as experts in thier clinic in Virginia, and charge
>> fees on the internet they are subject to scrutinity by the FTC.
>> Calm down here a minute, and back off of the
>>> authoritative position you have promoted yourself into.
>> Mr. Huddell stated that he was moving his office with EPA and
>> would respond, when he got re-settled. Still waiting like alot
>> of other individuals that has heard of CVS.
>>> The ball is in Mr. Elliot's court. He made an allegation,
>>> tried to discredit a professional, now back it up. The ball
>> is in Dr. Shoemakers court as he is still advertising his CVS
>> method of detection on the open market. Mr. Elliot appears to
>> be a dissatisfied cleint and wants his money back.
>>> As for treatments, do you want a lawsuit or your health
>>> back?
>> I have already stated I don't have any of the metallic taste or
>> charateristics that he advertises. So why should i want to
>> take his test? I am already in litigation so any half truths
>> that come out to be false hoods it very benefical to the legal
>> system.
>> Which is more important to you, I am beginning to
>>> wonder? What is more inportant to is the Children that I
>> keep and work for. My last e-mail from MS Ballard is any thing
>> keep digging for the children that can't understand what the
>> fight is about.
>>> Is the kind of BS you want to promote on the board? I would
>> ike to cut the middle man money makers out of this market like
>> Phares indicating a technician could probably do as good of a
>> bob in taking samplings
>>> In closing, and in keeping with my first post on this board,
>>> you need to have your facts straight before you start
>>> spouting off.
>> I work the information that I get and try to run it either to
>> ground or to a reliable place.
>> In fact, that's what you told Mr. Elliot and
>>> many others in the past.
>> Ask Dr. Shoemaker's webmaster if he is still administering test
>> by the internet, and giving diagnosis, or advising what
>> medication that they should be taking. The man from california
>> talking with Mr. Huddell (webmaster) was very upset his test
>> came back negative, when it was previously a positive lab test
>> in california.
>> I simply resonded with fact: Doctor
>>> Shoemaker has never heard of Johan Elliot or his
>>> referenced "settlement." Go back to the subject of the posts.
>>> I am not suprised Shoemaker has never heard of Johan Elliot,
>> he does not hear or respond to everyone that purchases services
>> from his internet clinic.
>>> ff
>>> On 6/25/03, Johncodie wrote:
>>>> Frank
>>>> If Doctor Shoemaker was your attending physican, then by
>>>> all means, identify who the intial docotors were, who gave
>>>> you the referral. If you went to Virginia for the
>>>> treatment. What was the diagnosis, what was the
>>>> treatment. What are you able to do now that you were not
>>>> able to do before. I have seen them try to apply the CVS
>>>> screening to MCS, and an assortment other ailments. I am
>>>> not sure what has since been endorsed or approved by the
>>>> FDA, Optometric Societies, or new Medical Specialist
>>>> Council of the American Medical Association. Could it have
>>>> been a treated or diagnosied by any other means?
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