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    Re: Doctor Shoemaker

    Posted by ff on 6/25/03


    Well, there you go again...still. Mouthing off, not knowing what you're
    talking about, and how many times do I have to tell you, you do not have the
    facts straight? You don't want to have deal with facts, because then you
    cannot slither in and out of coherency, reality, and address any specific
    fact or subject with validity. Regading just your last paragraph, if you
    know how many screw-ups, errors, and false assumptions you have made, you
    would know, well, yeah, I'll go ahead and say it, how stupid you look, posing
    as some authority or fact holder, based on anecdotal info picked up from bits
    and pieces from different sources. If you're happy hiding in your fantasy
    world, where you call the shots, change the rules, and all the toys are
    yours, have at it, make your self happy!

    Best of all, you continue to do what you admitted you cannot do.

    How do you tell johncodie the ghost, that he has his onfo all screwed up?

    You continue to post and make statements about me, FDEP, something hidden,
    etc., and fail to realize that the statements you make reveal how much you do
    not know, that you are wrong and routinely jump to false conclusions.
    johncodie you are a sick man/person in my opinion, evidence that mold
    affetcts menatal processes, attacks the brain, and you need help. It is a
    dangerouas game in my opinion, you playing around with others lives and
    making false allegations, reaching conclusions based on what you have
    conjoured up in your mid, your fanatasy world, and representing yourself as a
    know-it-all judge of all.

    I hope this message continues to fuel your need for social interaction, and
    that you will once agin, place yourself on a pedestal as an all knowing
    entity and grand master of all: joohncodie whi cannot follow the rules, and
    disclose who he really is.


    On 6/25/03, johncodie wrote:
    > Don't feel like slithering anywhere today Frank. If you have'nt picked up
    > on the subject. It is all about not mold, but money. Your involvement
    > with Shoemaker, Huddell (EPA) and the department of environmental quality
    > and their endorsement of CVS was hampered by yes (money). Given a little
    > bit of more time, and a roll on the election years, something that was
    > hidden concerning your case, or similar cases in Florida will surface.

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