Re: Codie's no Mary
Posted by ff on 6/27/03
Hey Mary?
Mary, are you out there? Could Mr. Codie contact you for lessons, he has a problem with
coherency, foundation, speculation, relevance, and rather than leading questions, he has
leaping answers. Is there a reading test or evaluation that couold be you used to help
him understand, that he cannot reach valid conclusions from fragmented information topped
off by his imagination and paranoia?
Possibly Mr. Codie could cross notice and sit in on your next deposition, can he ask
leaping questions?
On 6/27/03, ff wrote:
> Mr. johncodie
> leap into fasle conclusions. Yes you do make it up. Possibly you
> do
> On 6/27/03, John Codie wrote:
>> Then the proper response would be that you don't have any specific knowledge
>> concerning VCS, Doctor Shoemaker, or Dupont.
> If you will carefully look at your statement, possibly you will understand what I have
> been trying to tell you: YOU JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS, where do you get this from???? As
> far as a proper response, you have no standing or authority, you do not require a
> proper response, and obviously you would not know one way or the other.
> I don't make up the information, it is
>> readily available in the public domain.
> Yes you do make it up, that is exactly what you do when you conjour up these
> regurgitations that leave you laying in a pool of confusion. (OK FF, that was off color)
> I will let the plantiff lawyers in the state
>> of Florida pick up on the attorney, expert witness bias.
> You don't "let the plaintiff's lawyers..." do anything. You have no standing here, no
> authority, and as I discussed in a previous post, please recognize that in the overall
> scheme of things, you and I both are really, insignificant.
> The residents of Florida
>> will be the ones who have to live, or try to live with the quality of water there.
> You need only visit your own state, just a few miles down the road, to where, Miss. DEQ
> permitted the pumping of waste water contaning dioxins, into the ground water supply.
> You have plenty to do in your own back yard, so I am at least glad that you recognize
> Florida will have to handle their own problems, but thank you for you concern just the
> same.
> ff
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