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    Re: there's no clearing up the confused johncodie

    Posted by on 6/27/03

    On 6/27/03, Johncodie wrote:
    > The originator of the "I Love You Virus" was traced down within 24 hours of its release. The Russians
    > that were posing as computer security experts were arrested in Seattle Washington as they were linking
    > back to their computers in Moscow. Caught the hackers in the act. Can't enjoy a barq's root beer down at
    > the Longfellow House because I think it was torn down with mold. Maybe that was the old high school. Hey
    > Kevin is waiting for Gots to respond, and well I'm still waiting for Mr. Hubbell to speak for Dr.
    > Shoemaker.

    John. I don't see where you have submitted a request to either Dr. Hudnell or Dr. Shoemaker. Would you like
    their addresses, that would be the appropriate way to resolve this. Send a letter, and post a copy on the
    board? I have seen where Dr. Hudnell informed you, as I did, that you need to get your facts straight, on
    many subjects and events. However, you insist on ignoring the information given to you, and even the
    corrective steps I took to point out to you, specific errors/false assumptions you made just today. I
    suspect you won't get an answer because you do not listen. I suggest you review first, the method by which
    you gain information, or fragments. Rather than a news article, or an email, could you possibly recognize
    that these sources fall short of what is needed and dig a little deeper. Secondly, consider information
    presented to you, rather than to deny it because it is inconsistent with the false, and premature conclusions
    you reach. Lastly, do not reword, to the extent that the meaning is lost, what you have stated previously,
    and/or what others have stated. Good examples of this were exposed to you in your own post today.

    Maybe he is in deposition explaining why his statistics from VCS does not mean anything to
    > anybody.

    From what I have seen, and again you have picked up only fragments, you do not know enough about the subject
    to make the above statement. "Anybody" is a big word, and you as an individual, do not equate to "anybody."

    Perhaps Sally could have had a couple of Steriod shot and wouldn't have had to drink the
    > Metamucial type concoction that everyone (90&37;) are drinking. If Sally won't talk, I'm sure you can Mary
    > to ring.

    There you go again, you just cannot let go of "Sally."

    My assessment, after a day of listening to you, and patiently pointing out your many errors, is that your
    board ego was lightly damaged, the ego you enjoy along with the your prominence. This is your little world,
    you feel comfortable here, and you're hurt. I could be wrong, but that is my assessment.

    Right or wrong, the fact remains, you have proven that you are incapable of recieving accurate information,
    if it contradicts you preconceived notions.


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