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    Re: I need the best attorney in the country, period.

    Posted by lorie on 3/14/04

    My name is Lorie, and I am having a terrible time at work, a
    lady who works with me was using vaporizer of menthol and
    eucalyptus, and it was making me so horrible sick. Stomach
    bloating, burnin, throwing up, and headache. Whey does my
    employer do, nothing, except ask me if I have a mental problem.
    My doctors do not understand too good either. They do not
    realize the horrible pain I am in. Maybe I should go to what
    you did and environmental doctor. What do you think ,and any
    help you could give me would be appreciated.

    On 1/20/04, KnowTooMuch wrote:
    > On 6/26/03, ff wrote:
    >> Daniel:
    >> Suppression/Repression bias at work. Can you include fraud,
    >> in the private sector?
    >> ff
    >> On 6/26/03, Daniel wrote:
    >>> I will make it short and to the point. I need to find the
    >>> best attorney in the country for a Common Pleas Trial Case
    >>> against Workers' Comp, state of Ohio, as it deals with
    >>> Formaldehyde exposure in an inadequately ventilated office
    >>> building. I have been diagnosed by a well-respected MD in
    >>> this specialized field of environmental medicine, with
    >>> permanent disability, with this office environment as the
    >>> cause with a high degree of medical certainty. All
    >>> administrative decisions have been denied. The
    >>> phrase "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity" is not being used as
    >>> the diagnosis, but sensitivity to many environmental
    >>> chemicals.
    >>> Any suggestions, as I have filed the case in Common Pleas
    >>> Court in Ohio, no trial date set as of yet. Date of
    >>> disability goes back to Sept. 15, 1998. Not one penny of
    >>> lost wages or medical bills has been paid by Ohio Workers'
    >>> Compensation, even though Social Security has allowed the
    >>> disability.
    >>> Anyone who enters into this misfortunate arena will be
    >>> dealing with the cards stacked against them, as the system
    >>> is corrupt from political pressures. I have personally
    >>> witnessed this: corrupt IME exams, corrupt Ohio Attorney
    >>> General's office, corrupt Ohio Workers' Compensation
    >>> system. They play with the phrase "Multiple Chemical
    >>> Sensitivity" as if it is taboo. Hence, my case does not
    >>> mention this, yet the IME exam stated this as my alleged
    >>> injury.
    >>> Again, any referrals would be appreciated, as the trial
    >>> would most likely take 1 to 2 days, with a trial attorney
    >>> being the most important aspect in trying to win this
    >>> appeal.
    > Hi There: I just read your unfortunate, too often,
    > situation. What area do you live in? What about Phil
    > Fulton. Great attorney! I worked for one of those doctors,
    > who got the god syndrome a few years back and I quit.

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