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    Re: I need the best attorney in the country, period.

    Posted by Joe on 8/30/09

    On 9/04/03, jocko wrote:
    > On 8/04/03, jo wrote:
    >> On 6/26/03, ff wrote:
    >>> Daniel:
    >>> Suppression/Repression bias at work. Can you include fraud,
    >>> in the private sector?
    >>> ff
    >>> On 6/26/03, Daniel wrote:
    >>>> I will make it short and to the point. I need to find the
    >>>> best attorney in the country for a Common Pleas Trial Case
    >>>> against Workers' Comp, state of Ohio, as it deals with
    >>>> Formaldehyde exposure in an inadequately ventilated office
    >>>> building. I have been diagnosed by a well-respected MD in
    >>>> this specialized field of environmental medicine, with
    >>>> permanent disability, with this office environment as the
    >>>> cause with a high degree of medical certainty. All
    >>>> administrative decisions have been denied. The
    >>>> phrase "Multiple Chemical Sensitivity" is not being used as
    >>>> the diagnosis, but sensitivity to many environmental
    >>>> chemicals.
    >>>> Any suggestions, as I have filed the case in Common Pleas
    >>>> Court in Ohio, no trial date set as of yet. Date of
    >>>> disability goes back to Sept. 15, 1998. Not one penny of
    >>>> lost wages or medical bills has been paid by Ohio Workers'
    >>>> Compensation, even though Social Security has allowed the
    >>>> disability.
    >>>> Anyone who enters into this misfortunate arena will be
    >>>> dealing with the cards stacked against them, as the system
    >>>> is corrupt from political pressures. I have personally
    >>>> witnessed this: corrupt IME exams, corrupt Ohio Attorney
    >>>> General's office, corrupt Ohio Workers' Compensation
    >>>> system. They play with the phrase "Multiple Chemical
    >>>> Sensitivity" as if it is taboo. Hence, my case does not
    >>>> mention this, yet the IME exam stated this as my alleged
    >>>> injury.
    >>>> Again, any referrals would be appreciated, as the trial
    >>>> would most likely take 1 to 2 days, with a trial attorney
    >>>> being the most important aspect in trying to win this
    >>>> appeal.
    > I am unsure if this firm is able to defend you in your state, but
    > a quick phone call to the managing attorney will give you all the
    > answers you seek. I have found this firm to be the sharpest, most
    > consistant and plaintiff minded firm in my experience. I met them
    > in a disposition for a man I worked for and I have been impressed
    > by the care in which they take to properly and fairly represent
    > all their clients in my field of construction.
    > I have known them for 15 years and they have never failed to
    > properly handle a case. They are for lack of a better analogy,
    > 300 pound guerillas of compensation law in this "little town" and
    > they only specialize in workmen's compensatory cases for
    > plaintiffs. Arye, Lustig & Sassower, PC located in New York City,
    > NY. 212-732-4992 Mitchell Sassower is the managing partner and
    > will give you the time of day as to where you stand. Carl Lustig,
    > another partner I know personally, is the sharpest trial attorney
    > I have ever heard of and the only reason he is not a household
    > name is because their practice is focused upon workmen's
    > compensation cases and those don't usually make the papers.
    > I also have noticed that sharp people in general know who the
    > other sharp people are. They flock together, and even if this
    > cannot help you, they can find the right lawyer to defend your
    > interests, which by the way is the way the system is supposed to
    > work. If you are injured by someone's irresponsibility, you
    > have a fair opportunity to hold them accountable. The actions of
    > the few who are twisting the system shouldn't reduce your right
    > address proper questions of accountability with those who shirk
    > their responsibilities. I hope you find someone proficient to
    > represent you and hold them accountable. Don't give up.

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