Post: Validity of VCS

Posted by johncodie on 6/27/03
Dr. Shoemaker is not in Moss Point giving his VCS testing to try and determine the local population exposure to Toxins. Correct me Hr. Huddell or Dr. Shoemaker if I am wrong. The NAACP has had its public forumn concerning the intent to sue. Since both companies Thikol, and HAS Robins have already sold, field for bankrupcy, it will become a community and State issue. I don't make any of this up Frank, it is in the public domian. Since EPA has had to take over alot, or most of the Mississippi super fund sites, it has become a federal issue. Like you said Sally was working out of the Baltimore, Washington DC area. The clean water is also federal. We have heard the EPAs lack of explanation concerning the lasting affects of the kids exposed to methle parathon here. I don't know whey you get so riled up Frank. I don't intend to suppress the fact that there alot of questions remaining out there.
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