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    Re: Focus johncodie, focus, we're getting somewhere

    Posted by ff on 6/27/03


    Whoaaaaa....,slow down,.....stop, look, and listen! That
    ain't it, you know, shoot that dog, scrap it, see you behind
    the wood pile for an old fashioned whoopin'. You know, down-
    south stuff. Knock some sense into yourself, please. You're
    smarter than that.

    Focus on your post in which you stated that I said Sally was
    from Baltimore or DC. You just attributed something, and out
    of context, to me, that now you turn around and reply was in
    an email. Focus in on just this one example, and add that
    you just jumped to another conclusion that johncodie's
    got 'em.

    Not the case, you just can bounce around like that. Even you
    object of obsession, "Sally" stated that "Sally" was "from"
    the Tampa area or nearby. I NEVER SAID IT, so don't
    attribute it from me, and call Sally to follow up, she'll
    tell you she's NOT from DC and Baltimore, she's from the
    Tampa area. No big deal about "Sally" or where she's from,
    just that you keep regurgitating BS that's twisted up somehow
    in your mind. Cut it out, if you want to play regulatory
    agency, policeman, board master, know-it-all, and judge-jury-
    attorney all at the same time, don;t attribute the statements
    to someone else and get the facts first.

    Yhis is but onw minor example, but nevertheless, an example
    of your confused state of mind. OK with me, but please
    don'twrap up others into your baseless, fantasy world, or
    fanatasy world.

    Go back, start reading, and wake up. Be glad your in
    friendly company here. You could easily get yourself in a
    jam, cut it out for your own good!


    On 6/27/03, johncodie wrote:
    > Dr. Shoemaker is not in Moss Point giving his VCS testing
    > to try and determine the local population exposure to
    > Toxins. Correct me Hr. Huddell or Dr. Shoemaker if I am
    > wrong. The NAACP has had its public forumn concerning the
    > intent to sue. Since both companies Thikol, and HAS Robins
    > have already sold, field for bankrupcy, it will become a
    > community and State issue. I don't make any of this up
    > Frank, it is in the public domian. Since EPA has had to
    > take over alot, or most of the Mississippi super fund
    > sites, it has become a federal issue. Like you said Sally
    > was working out of the Baltimore, Washington DC area. The
    > clean water is also federal. We have heard the EPAs lack of
    > explanation concerning the lasting affects of the kids
    > exposed to methle parathon here. I don't know whey you get
    > so riled up Frank. I don't intend to suppress the fact
    > that there alot of questions remaining out there.

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