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    Re: Tying it all together

    Posted by Sally on 6/28/03

    Hi FF,

    Well, with regards to the question about tying sensitivites to
    chemicals and molds together: Firstly, I known I have allergies
    to molds (a very broad category). Secondly, I am sensitive to
    many chemicals. If you are a fence sitter, there is a
    difference. Sensitivities are usually the result of some type of
    exposure. In my case, the sensitivities to some (if not all)
    cholinesterase inhibiting insecticides has been the result of one
    acute exposure. I can pinpoint the actual day for some. On the
    other hand, my sensitivities to other chemicals, such as nickel
    and parabens were the result of chronic exposures. The allergies
    I have can be placed into broad categories. Doctors have proven
    to me I have a genetic propensity for allergies that are
    triggered by chronic exposure. Therefore, trees I am allergic to
    now are strickly trees I have been around for some time, etc.
    This does get confusing, doesn't it?

    Let's talk a little about what I have learned in the case(s) of
    chemicals affecting/effecting my sensitivities to some other
    irritants, such as molds. Some chemicals can alter the general
    make up of molds. In this case think of a grape. Pretend the
    grape is a mold, bacterium, or yeast..whatever. After the grape
    has been peeled, the grape is still a grape, it really has not
    changed. But imagine if I handled the peeled grape it feels
    different. And if I am allergic/sensitive to the meat of grapes,
    wouldn't I be likely to have a reaction? Yes. Some chemicals
    strip yeast and molds of the "cover", and thusly alter them. But
    suppose you burned the grape, instead? Wouldn't that grape be
    different still? It is still a grape. It won't change back, it
    is altered in it's composition. Yeast and molds, etc, can become
    altered with chemical exposure. That something else might not be
    so healthy for you and me either. Not always unhealthy because
    the biological make up of the burned grape is different, but
    possibly because a peeled, crushed, or burned grape is now open
    to the invasion of something new. I expect a grape that has been
    changed will likely invite mold of some kind. The type of mold
    will likely depend on the environment we have created by altering
    the grape.

    I hope you understand what I am trying to illustrate? I also
    hope I have answered you inquiry.


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