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    Re: Blood-brain barrier

    Posted by curious on 9/07/03

    I got the same response about having to autopsy after death to
    find out. That isn't true, there are distinct changes that take
    place that can be seen on pet and cat scans.

    On 9/07/03, liz wrote:
    > Thanks for your response Jenny. I agree! I doubt William Pall
    will answr anyletter I send but I think I will send him a thank
    you note for his research efforts. The neurologists I've seen were
    arrogant, uneducated(about mcs) jerks but I wish I could ask them
    if thy had tools(MRI's etc)that could tell if the blood-brain
    barrier is damaged. The neuros I saw said my insurace wouldn't pay
    for PET or Spect so insurance is factor too. I just keep thinking
    how hard itwas for them to diagnose alzheimers in young people(eg
    40 yrs) because their lack of whatever. Something about only being
    able to see damage upon cutting brain open after death. > Also, I
    can handle my MCS syptoms more than I can handle the ridicule from
    people(If I get one more smirk..) and feeling like I'm the only
    one trying to educate everyone(family to strangers that hurt me to
    doctor to news people). Its the old saying, "there's none so deaf
    as those that don't want to hear". People are now proud of putting
    up non-smoking signs(yet still not educated that its anything more
    than tobacco) but its because doctors and government authority
    figures influence people. Many public health researcher, EPA
    researchers(indoor air and pesticides), Harvard's Brigham Women's
    Hospital(frag free!)believe us but they seem to be hidding. I
    think we can't do it with authority figures standing up and
    speaking out for us. It helped a little bit in Nova Scotia-
    important politians helped. MCS was diagnosed fifty years
    ago...was the anti smoking movement better organized or was the
    AMA the driving force?

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