Posted by Helen Carter on 12/10/03
On 10/30/03, Deborah D. wrote:
> Sorry only Kay responded, but she is correct. See if you can
> get media coverage, doubtful, but try anyway. Contact all your
> politicos. Exposing them is all you can do and hope for the
> best.
> Many others have been through it and we must just be greatful
> to be alive. Imagine all those who died of 'mysterious'
> ailments or misdiagnoses and cannot post here or any where else.
> Good luck to you.
> If we could manage to band together, get a lobbyist, media
> coverage, maybe then we could get some results, but Mary posted
> something by US chamber of commerce that seems to show
> insurance industry has gotten upperhand here. We have become
> 'collateral damage' or acceptable casualties in an economic war.
> On 10/12/03, Kay wrote:
>> Hope this post is not too late.
>> What you described is business as usual in WA state.
>> L&I is pretty corrupt. At one time there was a groups in
>> Tacoma that was working for fair treatment from L&I.
>> To understand your power in this situation - Boeing,
>> Weyerhauser and others do not want to have to pay the workers
>> they have poisoned.
>> I know a person who also was required to repay all
>> compensation - they attached her house and furniture.
>> She sought exception (something allowed in the law) but
>> Weyerhauser fought it because she was an activist. They said
>> they did not want to reward an activist and the judge agreed
>> with Weyerhauser.
>> Get a lawyer to see if you can get out of repayment but know
>> that they system is corrupt.
I know how your wife feels. I suffer from the same illness and
can not get my employer to do much about it either. They do not
recognize environmental illness as a disability. I wish the
people who make these decisions could just live in my shoes for a
week and see how quickly they would change their tune. I think
this is a wide spread problem across the world, not just in the
USA. There are some Provinces in Canada that have a perfume free
policy in government buildings, but not Ontario ( lucky me ). The
employer justs keep saying his hands are tied, they have no right
to tell people not to wear perfume, etc... I guess we don't have
the right to breath.
Tell your wife not to give up. Some day one of us, who suffer
from this horrible illness, will get someone to listen.