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    Re: MCS and Mold

    Posted by judi on 1/01/04

    On 1/01/04, Caoimhín P. Connell wrote:

    Yes, that was basically was I was told at the Lahey Clinic last June of
    2003, that mold wasn't "toxic," so I guess you would have the same
    position. I am sure that if you have such knowledge of mold, how to
    you explain the media invented this when it is actually mentioned in the
    Bible. And yes, while I know that mold is normal in the environment, I
    am talking about living with "excessive" mold hidden behind wall
    cavities, which had a bad odor. And I was wondering also what you
    would consider "normal?" I am not talking about "normal" like the kind
    you find once in awhile by a shower or something, I am talking about
    "excessive" exposure from inhalation of the invisible mold spores, that
    continued despite use of central air conditioning, and what does this
    does to a person with an already compromised liver/immune system?
    What is the mental disorder associated with MCS? Thanks for the link.
    Cheers and good morning to you,

    > Good morning, Judi:
    > Perhaps you could be a little more specific. MCS is
    > generally recognized as a condition consisting of primarily a
    > dysfunctional psychological component. “Toxic mold
    > is a term that was invented by the news media, and it is not
    > a term that has any scientific validity and there is no such
    > thing as a “toxic mold.” Finally, where does the liver issue
    > tie into your question on mold or MCS? Certainly with regard
    > to molds, there are some genera that produce powerful
    > mycotoxins which are known to be associated with chronic and
    > serious liver diseases if one eats foods that are heavily
    > contaminated with the molds bearing those toxins, however,
    > there is no evidence what ever to suggest that the normal
    > exposures to the standard “toxic molds” found in every house
    > in the world has any adverse effects on the liver.
    > I provide scores of references in my discussion on molds
    > which you may find useful. The discussion is at
    > and I have provided a
    > link to the page below.
    > Cheers,
    > Caoimhín P. Connell
    > (The opinions expressed here are exclusively my
    > personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my
    > professional opinion, opinion of my employer, peers, or
    > professional affiliates. The above post is for information
    > only and does not reflect professional advice and is not
    > intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)
    > AMDG

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