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    Re: MCS and Mold

    Posted by Greg Weatherman on 1/02/04


    Call Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker. He has patients who are suffering
    from "toxic mold" and chemical sensitivities. He and Dr. Ken
    Hudnell (neurotoxicologist) have really set the bar high for
    others. They actually get people well again. Dr. Shoemaker has
    just found a diagnosis covered by most insurance companies that
    has to do with lung function that seems to affict ones suffering
    from toxic mold exposure. He has also found an interesting
    treatment protocol for chronic fatique syndrome that is usually
    associated with toxic mold and chemical sensitivities. He is so
    busy it take at least 4 weeks to get an appointment.

    Caoimhin has his theories and the the rest of the world has other
    theories. He is correct about mold mycotoxins being an issue for
    ingesting high quantities of moldy foods. His web page is a good
    listing of the "it ain't mold" studies. His page has some major
    ommisions that he may have missed while doing the tireless Pubmed
    searches or even worse, he actually goes to the library (probably
    a university library)and reads the periodic journals for
    scientific citations. The latter is something many have
    forgotten or no longer try to do.

    His statement about a "disfunctional psychological component" is
    an unfair assault on the mental state of people who claim to
    suffer sensitivities many chemical they smell but can not
    identify. While odors seem to trigger complaints, I have noticed
    that aldehydes (natural and manmade) and chlorinated solvents
    seem to really get the "chemicall sensitive" going. I use the
    teerm "chemically sensitive" because I think Caoimhin is correct
    about MCS being a term that is too vague.

    Mold can be very toxic if the right type is growing in the right
    environment. The more wet the potentially toxic mold gets, the
    higher the mycotoxin production. Mold is a very complex life form
    and many "experts" do not have the knowledge to adequately assess
    the situation.

    Caoimhin's big hang-up seems to be warning us about
    the "charlatans". They do exist and spotting them is easy. Ask
    for references for statements that appear to be based on science
    if services are rendered. Ask for a professional insurance
    policy certificate (or Errors and Ommisions insurance policy)
    with specific language for environmental investigations that
    include microbial problems. Certifications are only meaningful is
    they can produce this insurance policy certificate. You would be
    surprised at how few of the "alleged" experts have the

    I hope this helps you,

    Greg Weatherman


    On 1/01/04, judi wrote:
    > On 1/01/04, Caoimhín P. Connell wrote:
    > Yes, that was basically was I was told at the Lahey Clinic last
    June of
    > 2003, that mold wasn't "toxic," so I guess you would have the
    > position. I am sure that if you have such knowledge of mold,
    how to
    > you explain the media invented this when it is actually
    mentioned in the
    > Bible. And yes, while I know that mold is normal in the
    environment, I
    > am talking about living with "excessive" mold hidden behind
    > cavities, which had a bad odor. And I was wondering also what
    > would consider "normal?" I am not talking about "normal" like
    the kind
    > you find once in awhile by a shower or something, I am talking
    > "excessive" exposure from inhalation of the invisible mold
    spores, that
    > continued despite use of central air conditioning, and what
    does this
    > does to a person with an already compromised liver/immune
    > What is the mental disorder associated with MCS? Thanks for the
    > Cheers and good morning to you,
    > Judi
    >> Good morning, Judi:
    >> Perhaps you could be a little more specific. MCS is
    >> generally recognized as a condition consisting of primarily a
    >> dysfunctional psychological component. “Toxic mold
    >> is a term that was invented by the news media, and it is not
    >> a term that has any scientific validity and there is no such
    >> thing as a “toxic mold.” Finally, where does the liver issue
    >> tie into your question on mold or MCS? Certainly with regard
    >> to molds, there are some genera that produce powerful
    >> mycotoxins which are known to be associated with chronic and
    >> serious liver diseases if one eats foods that are heavily
    >> contaminated with the molds bearing those toxins, however,
    >> there is no evidence what ever to suggest that the normal
    >> exposures to the standard “toxic molds” found in every house
    >> in the world has any adverse effects on the liver.
    >> I provide scores of references in my discussion on molds
    >> which you may find useful. The discussion is at
    >> and I have provided a
    >> link to the page below.
    >> Cheers,
    >> Caoimhín P. Connell
    >> (The opinions expressed here are exclusively my
    >> personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my
    >> professional opinion, opinion of my employer, peers, or
    >> professional affiliates. The above post is for information
    >> only and does not reflect professional advice and is not
    >> intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)
    >> AMDG

    Ritchie Shoemaker MD

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