Re: MCS and Mold (2nd reply to Judi)
Posted by Caoimhín P. Connell on 1/03/04
Hello Judi:
I am not a biblical scholar, and would not be competent to
present myself as such; neither would such a discussion be
within the scope of this forum. However, within the context
of the mold discussion, I suppose it would be germane,
although esoteric. So…
For those who are not aware, the book of Leviticus is
essentially a legislative set of directions of the Torah by
which the Israelites were (are) to achieve and maintain
holiness; thus it contains the Code of Holiness. The section
wherein the reference to the red and green spots appears
deals almost exclusively with “legal purity.”
One may get a better idea of what Leviticus is telling us in
the cited passage by first reading Leviticus Chapters 17
through 26, “The Code of Legal Holiness.” In light of the
Code of Legal Holiness, we can see that the purification
mentioned in the text on red and green spots is much more a
spiritual cleansing as is evidenced by the objective of the
infestation, which is presented very clearly in Lev 14:34.
The text makes it very clear that the “greenish or reddish
spots” are no accident of nature but have very purposefully
been placed there by Y**** . Since the manifestation is
Divine, the substance of the manifestation may not (or may)
have any bearing on the material world of Man, then or now.
That is, the “greenish or reddish spots” are not a result of
a wet or dirty environment, they are the result of a person’s
spirit made unclean via disobedience. What are the spots?
They may not be of a substance known to man, neither may they
be knowable, they are Divine. Are they mold? Certainly not,
for mold would not be consistent with either the intent of
the text nor the statements in the text.
The Bible, like Shakespeare, is most often misquoted or
misunderstood when sections are taken out of context. Such
as “guilding the lilly” (which Shakespeare never wrote), and
the infamous words by Dick the Butcher in Henry VI: “The
first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.” This is
often misused to indicate Shakespeare’s contempt for lawyers;
the opposite is actually the case. Dick and his buddies are
the senseless rabble who view education and the educated as a
threat; the lawyers are the educated population that help
maintain social order. Shakespeare’s views are pertinent
here since his contempt was for the uneducated mob and his
acknowledgement of the fickle nature of the ignorant masses
who can be persuaded to swallow up any remedy offered by a
snake-oil salesman.
The “Dick the Butchers” are very evident on this board as
they have hurled abuse and invectives at those who bring hard
science and reality into areas (molds, health and MCS) they
would prefer to see as cloudy and ambiguous. For therein lies
their prey – the vulnerable masses, once educated in the
realities of mold and MCS, would be empowered by the
knowledge and realize they don’t need the “toxic mold”
peddler’s snake-oil any longer… Poof! Loss of easy income!
Just my thoughts, of course, Judi. But what do I know; heck,
I think rain is wet. I could be completely wrong.
Caoimhín P. Connell
(The opinions expressed here are exclusively my
personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my
professional opinion, opinion of my employer, peers, or
professional affiliates. The above post is for information
only and does not reflect professional advice and is not
intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)
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