Re: MCS and Mold (reply ) Connell
Posted by Educated Friend on 1/03/04
On 1/03/04, Caoimhín P. Connell wrote:
> Hello Judi:
neither would such a discussion be
within the scope of this forum
With the above being your own words might it not be wise for
you; unless asked to stick to the area that is within your
expertise which is that of an Industrial Hygiene or otherwise
known as an IH For those who do not know this is a person who
measures with specific equipment the content of the air in a
specific space this does not give you by training the ability
to discuss Bacteria or discern what disease processes can occur
from an exposure of a toxic substance It also does not give you
the ability to decide whether or not the disease process is
Mental of physical or a combination of both of those exposures
to a know entity.
Thus for you to mislead an individual who may be suffering from
an exposure and or a disease process is very unprofessional and
at the very least is bad form ; It is obvious the person came
seeking educated answers and to give her misleading and
inappropiate responses is not professional to say the least it
also does not reflect on others in your profession when one of
their number decides to act as if he has not a brain as they
say in the Wizard of Oz and reflects on those who are educated
and trained as IH's and makes the group all appear to fall into
the same class
I as well as others would prefer that if you can not keep your
responses at least on a professional, kind level then take the
response to the individual on a private basis
As I have always told my children and others if you can not be
polite; professional and educated in your response ( with the
appropiate educational citations ) then it is probably better
that you not say anything at all thus ensuring your lack of
knowledge is kept to yourself and not shown to the group
(there are other ways to say that but I am being polite ) ;
with that to put it another way children should always play
nicely in the sandbox no matter what their age and keep unkind
remarks to themselves !