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    Re: MCS and Mold

    Posted by ff on 4/13/04

    The state by CC is typical of imndset there. The same fungi that
    produce the toxins that he refers to as toxic in the food chain,
    thrive in the environment. The dominance of these pathogens in
    food crops is facilitated by application/use of the same chemicals
    contained in buildings materials, paints and coatings.


    On 4/12/04, Michelle Grader wrote:
    > How about Aspergillosis of the liver? Aspirgillosis is found in
    > household mold. Aspergillosis may be inhaled and cause disease
    > in immunocompetent man. The only way to establish this diagnosis
    > is by biopsy of the organism in the tissue. What makes you
    > that there are not other organisms known and unknown that are
    > causing severe disease. One hundred years from now we shall all
    > be a big joke to everyone as the state of medicine in the 19th
    > century now is to us. On 3/30/04, Michelle Grader wrote:
    >> On 1/01/04, Caoimhín P. Connell wrote:
    >>> Good morning, Judi:
    >>> Perhaps you could be a little more specific. MCS is
    >>> generally recognized as a condition consisting of primarily a
    >>> dysfunctional psychological component. “Toxic mold
    >>> is a term that was invented by the news media, and it is not
    >>> a term that has any scientific validity and there is no such
    >>> thing as a “toxic mold.” Finally, where does the liver issue
    >>> tie into your question on mold or MCS? Certainly with regard
    >>> to molds, there are some genera that produce powerful
    >>> mycotoxins which are known to be associated with chronic and
    >>> serious liver diseases if one eats foods that are heavily
    >>> contaminated with the molds bearing those toxins, however,
    >>> there is no evidence what ever to suggest that the normal
    >>> exposures to the standard “toxic molds” found in every house
    >>> in the world has any adverse effects on the liver.
    >>> I provide scores of references in my discussion on molds
    >>> which you may find useful. The discussion is at
    >>> and I have provided a
    >>> link to the page below.
    >>> Cheers,
    >>> Caoimhín P. Connell
    >>> (The opinions expressed here are exclusively my
    >>> personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my
    >>> professional opinion, opinion of my employer, peers, or
    >>> professional affiliates. The above post is for information
    >>> only and does not reflect professional advice and is not
    >>> intended to supercede the professional advice of others.)
    >>> AMDG

    >> The only definitive means to know if "toxic molds" are having
    >> effects on the liver would be be to biopsy the liver. Even if
    >> you were able to find a Physician willing to do this, not too
    >> many would wish to go through this process. The liver is
    >> highly complex and probably more complex than the brain. The
    >> present liver function tests and scans are of limited value in
    >> determining what is going on there.

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