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    Re: Caoimhin A MUST KNOW - Mary

    Posted by Greg Weatherman on 1/08/04

    On 1/08/04, Caoimhín P. Connell wrote:
    > Hhhmmmmm…..
    > Sounds like an hidden agenda to me. I’m with Mary on this –
    > please provide us all with the reference wherein on September
    > 2003, Industrial Hygienist's in the U.S. acknowledged the
    > existent of "toxic mold" and adopted guidelines to deal with
    > it. That should keep you busy for a while.
    > Cheers,
    > Caoimhín P. Connell


    I am still waiting for direct answers from Caoimhin. It seems
    the cat got his prolific tougue? Aren't you, at the least,
    slightly interested why he can't seem to answer four (4) simple

    I don't think you two are really a tag team. You appear to be a
    paralegal or lawyer who monitors the website to see responses
    and provokes statements to see which way a person may go with
    their thoughts. Gaining insight to the thought process of John
    Q. Public is a powerful marketing tool if you are selling legal

    I would like to hear your take on his silence. Caoimhin often
    writes the most overly verbose responses imaginable. Yet, he
    can't answer simple questions. If he were in court working as
    an expert witness, would he not be asked to answer these
    questions - in light of his public webpage and public chatboard
    statements about toxic mold and IAQ? I think a good defense
    attorney could shred his credibility with simple questions like
    these. I can provide more questions for any attorney who wants
    to challenge anyone of Caoimhin's "ilk".

    1) Caoimhin stated in a post that he has designed a sampling
    strategy or method for microbial sampling that is now used
    by other nationwide. Can anybody tell us the method or

    2) I have read that "immune compromised individuals"
    should be removed from the premises in environments -
    especially if they have problems with the liver. I recall
    reading this in "Bioaerosols: Assessment and Control
    (1999). I remember it cited several times in the book. Is
    the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
    Hygienists ( wrong in this situation for a
    person like the woman who posted? Why?

    3) How can you have statistical certainty or "95%
    confidence" for mold when there are over 200 species each
    of Penicillium and Aspergillus? This is especially amazing
    when you consider these two genuses (Sp?) are the second
    and third most common types of mold genus to exist in most
    air samples taken just about anywhere in America if the
    samples are cultured for identification (B. Shelton). In
    Shelton's study, the use of "95% confidence" is kept to a
    minimum and ranges are used instead to express frequencies.

    4) How can Caoimhin claim outdoor air has no impact on a closed
    building? In the mixed climates and the humid climates,
    there is a period of time when there is indoor/outdor
    temperature equalibrium and the HVAC system does not run
    since it is controled by a thermostat in the center of the
    home. Consequently, their is no moisture control
    (humidity) and houses can develop negative air pressure
    because of the constant positive air pressure created by
    natural crosswinds (10 MPH minimum). This means microbes
    are pulled into the home. Unless you know of home built
    tight enough to keep this from happening, how can you claim
    the outside and inside don't realte for a closed building.
    Is the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-
    conditioning Engineers ( wrong and you are
    the only person in the world who can prove otherwise? Is
    this not akin to chasing unicorns? I'm using his rhetorical
    statement here. Maybe his mold studies are a "black swann".

    These are just some of the questions I have for "the only
    professional who still reponds on this chatboard" and he won't
    answer them. What do you think Mary? It all sounds kind of
    fishy on his part - the "alleged" expert. Enquiring minds want
    to know.

    Warmest Regards,

    Greg Weatherman
    The Woodshed Operator for the Socially Challenged

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