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    Re: Caoimhin: An issue and an audience = opportunity

    Posted by ff on 1/08/04


    It is probably that simple. I doubt that right or wrong, good
    science or bad science matters. Taking a position in a
    controversial issue which offers an audience, best explains
    what is seen here.


    On 1/08/04, john codie wrote:
    > The membership that gives him credibility has been trying to
    > get him to conform to the guidelines that the EPA, New York
    > Department Of Health has recommended for ripout. He has
    > already gone on record in public form with informing his
    > memberships president how wrong they all are, and that mold
    > is not a problem, and should not be ripped out. I don't
    > if you could call him an outcast since he is in a world of
    > his own, but since he has no independent degrees with his
    > name on them, sheep skins; he depends upon his associations
    > to groups to justify what he sees as his credentials. Who
    > awarded the man his credentials? They are figments in his
    > own imagination. Most all hollywood actors are gifted in
    > protraying their characters as a deeply religious man or
    > women can protray, a druken salior, or halot of the night.
    > We understand it is their job, and their job is to
    > entertain. Same is true for Caoimhin, he is an actor, or
    > clown as he protrays his character as this great scientist
    > wonderful knowledge. He can probably come across in the
    > field as superman. His problem he never picked up the
    > nor the skills to put 2 plus 2 together to come up with
    > four. He might be able to work some problems in statistics
    > but we all know that that math can be manipulated by either
    > including data, or excluding data to skew the precived
    > problem, or conditions. Look real close to see if his IH
    > degree if there is one is certifed by the state of Colorado
    > to be practicing what he is preaching on the internet. I
    > believe that is why he is working for a converted scientist
    > that recently became a member of the American Board of
    > Toxicology. As much as we have found the man in error
    > concerning his other preceived areas of expertise, and he
    > still desparatly needs to validate his character on this
    > board. I have a diagnosis of his condition. It is called
    > the Joe Newman Conolly syndrome. Do a public seach of Joe
    > Newman, and you can see the similar traits in the actor gone
    > wild.
    > On 1/07/04, Fed up with the Caoimhin's of the world wrote:
    >> I have spent the last six months searching the internet
    >> (and other sources)to gain information on "toxic mold". I
    >> have encountered several chat boards that address "toxic
    >> mold". It seems Mr. Connell thinks it is his own
    >> personnel mission to argue with anyone on the Internet
    >> that believes in "toxic mold". I have found him on
    >> several sites and each time he is saying that "we" are all
    >> wrong and he is right. I question someone's motives (and
    >> hidden agenda) who goes to such great lenghts.
    >> Also, he must be an outcast in his own profession because
    >> in September 2003, Industrial Hygentist's in the U.S.
    >> ackowledged the existent of "toxic mold" and adopted
    >> guidelines to deal with it.

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