Re: MCS brought on by toxid mold
Posted by mary on 1/23/04
Well then I guess that says it all. And I'm thinking some smart people used to say the same thing about the earth being flat. And the sun orbited the earth. But, since you are sure, then what else is left? Best Regards, Mary On 1/23/04, waldo lewis wrote: > I came upon this website after searching for "mold allergy". I can't quite figure out what all the messages are about, but, I for one know first hand that toxid mold did me in. I have a almost flat roof on my house and you can't see it from below. To make a long story/short, the roof must have been leaking for quite some time. By the time we found it----By smelling the mold in the upper bedrooms (mildew smell), it was too late to do anything about it ourselves. We had mold remediation done to the whole wall in the back of the house even going 8 feet into the ceiling. NOW, I am effected by the morning paper, the car and even walking throught the super markets. > (NO ONE CAN TELL ME THAT THERE IS NO TOXID MOLD) > > case closed..Waldo
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