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    Re: MCS brought on by toxid mold and flat earth ff

    Posted by Deena Krisman on 1/28/04

    On 1/26/04, Deborah D. wrote:
    > ff
    > Well put. That is exactly what is going on; the victims become their own
    > worst enemy, something that the defense counts upon. I have been guilty
    > of this myself when, in shock, I realize that people who should have
    > cared, could have prevented this, and could have remediated these
    > situations, treated my son and I as though we were pieces of refuse to be
    > pushed to the side of the road. Once, a Vietnam Veteran I have come to
    > know told me, yeah, now you know how we felt when we came back, at least
    > you got a body bag.
    > But, the fact remains, that victims must realize that clear, concise,
    > direct communication must be adhered to in these cases and that the
    > defense will resort to tactics not unlike psychological warfare to win
    > their case. I have cried more over this mold issue and what it cost my
    > son and I than I did when I lost my father and husband(I guess that I was
    > in shock and new that I must continue in order to provide for my son and
    > myself, but at least I had my physical health and some mental health with
    > the exception of the grief.) I had no control over the deaths, but I
    > thought my contractual relations with landlords provided me with the
    > protections afforded by statute as I struggled to become a participating
    > member of society; I was wrong, as my subsequent forays into the court
    > room proved, there is only the justice that money can buy. This
    > realization, that I had no rights, and neither did my child, pushed me to
    > near hysteria, the mental anguish was indescribable.
    > But then I realize that if not for the terrible setbacks that I have
    > suffered, the 'small-minded' people would never have been a concern for
    > me, or a problem. As it is, I ended up having to deal with a class of
    > people that for all intents and purposes, didn't exist to me. Too bad,
    > especially for those who continue to suffer at their mercy. These are
    > the folks that bring our society down.
    > dd
    > Sadly, our society has become calloused to the problems of others,
    > especially when this has not affected them yet.
    > On 1/24/04, ff wrote:
    >> Mary:
    >> I understand. Some time back, a long time back, I wrote on something
    >> that I have noticed over the years and it has to do with experience.
    >> You, seemingly having taken a posiiton on an issue, have experience.
    >> For first time victims, i.e. without experience, by the time they
    >> realize their manner of presentation to various audiences is
    >> discrediting to them, and to the issue, it's too late.
    >> People that have been injured tend to cry out because of the pain, and
    >> that is understandable. The problems come with the fact that those
    >> they rely on as well as the opposition, cannot feel the pain and
    >> therefore may get tired of listening to the whining. I believe this
    >> is a problem in the agencies, which after a period of time would have
    >> to become calloused to cries from a whining public. On the other
    >> hand, they do not hear the whining from the "other side," and that
    >> serves to facilitate relationships.
    >> ff
    >> On 1/24/04, Mary wrote:
    >>> ff:
    >>> I'm being too obscure. None of these comments, in caps no less, are
    >>> directed at you, and they don't really come from me.
    >>> I am just reacting to the prior post from someone ranting the "you
    >>> can't tell me...." line. People like this have closed their minds,
    >>> or are in some kind of weird denial, so what is the point of even
    >>> posting?
    >>> Sorry for any confusing.
    >>> Best Regards,
    >>> Mary
    >>> On 1/24/04, ff wrote:
    >>>> Mary:
    >>>> And there's the difference. To you, it's all about you. To me,
    >>>> it's not about me. Solve the problemn alleged to have been caused
    >>>> by exposure to mold, tell us "what it is," and not "what it is
    >>>> not."
    >>>> ff
    >>>> On 1/24/04, Mary wrote:
    >>>>> Hey ff:
    >>>>> I think you get my point.
    >>>>> Best Regards,
    >>>>> Mary
    >>>>> On 1/24/04, ff wrote:
    >>>>>> mary:
    >>>>>> I think you have it backwards. The flat earth thinking, the
    >>>>>> earth as the center of the universe, is consistent with those
    >>>>>> that grab onto a concept without realizing they may not know
    >>>>>> everything (well, I've said it before, they gain comfort in
    >>>>>> what they know, but find discomfort in considering how much
    >>>>>> they do not know. It's understandable, to spend years
    >>>>>> learning, thinking you know, gaining confidence in what you
    >>>>>> know, and then to learn there's more to it, or worse, it was
    >>>>>> wrong.)
    >>>>>> So who's going to change the scientific consensus as carved in
    >>>>>> stone by the "It ain't mold group" ? Better yet, if it's not
    >>>>>> so, then why hasn't it been changed.
    >>>>>> The answers lie in what typically drives, or funds, science.
    >>>>>> So, it's back to suppression bias. Conducting the science to
    >>>>>> prove that, for example, microbes have evolved, adapted,
    >>>>>> physically and biologically, due to changes in the
    >>>>>> environment, specifically man-made events, and as a result,
    >>>>>> people are getting sick, structures are rendered useless, of
    >>>>>> no value, and numerous entities face liability, would likely
    >>>>>> receive $0 funding from the corporations liable in such a case.
    >>>>>> That's not attractive to most, and certainly, who in the heck
    >>>>>> would want to fund such an effort? After all, creating
    >>>>>> miracles is what science should be about, you know, science
    >>>>>> and research that leads to good things, products that make our
    >>>>>> lives easier and produce profits. Now, that's exciting!
    >>>>>> Imagine a corporate scientist walking into the board meeting
    >>>>>> stating, WOW! look what my science shows, product X we have
    >>>>>> been manufacturing for years is killing people. This is
    >>>>>> proof, we must get it off the market, find the victims, give
    >>>>>> them the medical help needed to save lives...
    >>>>>> Anyway, Mary, it may be a fact of life we have to accept, but
    >>>>>> you do know better. When human health is at stake, the
    >>>>>> legitimate scientists try to solve the problem by finding
    >>>>>> out "what it is," and not "what it is not."
    >>>>>> ff
    >>>>>>> Well then I guess that says it all. And I'm thinking some
    >>>>>>> smart people used to say the same thing about the earth
    >>>>>>> being flat. And the sun orbited the earth. But, since you
    >>>>>>> are sure, then what else is left?
    >>>>>>> Best Regards,
    >>>>>>> Mary
    >>>>>>> On 1/23/04, waldo lewis wrote:
    >>>>>>>> I came upon this website after searching for "mold
    >>>>>>> allergy". I can't quite figure out what all the messages are
    >>>>>>> about, but, I for one know first hand that toxid mold did me
    >>>>>>> in. I have a almost flat roof on my house and you can't see
    >>>>>>> it from below. To make a long story/short, the roof must
    >>>>>>> have been leaking for quite some time. By the time we found
    >>>>>>> it----By smelling the mold in the upper bedrooms (mildew
    >>>>>>> smell), it was too late to do anything about it ourselves.
    >>>>>>> We had mold remediation done to the whole wall in the back
    >>>>>>> of the house even going 8 feet into the ceiling. NOW, I am
    >>>>>>> effected by the morning paper, the car and even walking
    >>>>>>> throught the super markets.
    >>>>>>>> case closed..Waldo

    And I am another who has stumbled onto this site. Yep, Toxic Mold in my
    HVAC system along with unsealed ducts resulting in fiberglass to boot.
    Almost lost my kids over it. Having a great time living in a travel
    trailer until who knows when, while I look through the windows at my
    beautiful home and all of our belongings that are heavily contaminated.

    I agree with Waldo. My life has been a true nightmare due to Toxic Mold
    and all of the health issues we faced. We left that house with black
    tongues. Ever heard of such a horrible thing??? Internal bleeding, as
    well. I have gained incredible knowledge on the subject as I have studied
    this since 1999. Toxic Mold IS a killer!!! Unfortunately, my case has yet
    to be closed although we have made it into Federal Court!!!

    D Krisman

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