Re: MCS brought on by toxid mold
Posted by ff on 10/12/04
hey Mary,
Is Angie really Sharon, whatever happened to Sharon? Angie's
comments seem harmless, while the references that concern me are
the ones like get-a-piece-of-the-pie. I'm sure you can imagine
having to explain that one?
On 10/12/04, mary wrote:
> Angie:
> So, let me get this straight, you are insulted by the lack of
> knowledge about mold on this board. Then why come here?
> You suggest we get our evidence from a tv show? Geez.
> So, 'toxic mold' can make people have mcs. What is 'toxic mold'?
> What is mcs? We would really, really appreciate a clear, science
> based definition. We await your wisdom.
> Best Regards,
> Mary
> On 10/11/04, Angie wrote:
>> Yea, some people used to believe the world was flat. Those are
>> the same type of people that didn't believe that asbestos or
>> lead could poison people. Now they don't look so good.
>> I am very insulted by the lack of knowledge about toxic mold on
>> this board. There is proof that mold can cause disease and
>> health problems, including MCS. Many MCS patients develop MCS
>> due to their mold exposure. Due to the fact that some people
>> aren't willing to accept it, mold victims are having difficulty
>> getting the medical treatment and legal representation that
>> they need. Toxic mold makes people sick and can, as well as
>> has, killed people. The episode of "Foresenic Files" on Court
>> Tv that Waldo mentioned, showcased forensic proof of the affect
>> the mold exposure had on that family. That episode can be
>> purchased and previewed on the Court Tv website at:
>> The episode is called "Breaking the Mold." This particular
>> case has set a precedence for many other cases and state
>> legislations.
>> By the way, my healthy, athletic, active family of four was
>> nearly killed by mold in our home. All of us, including my two
>> beautiful, innocent children suffer severe chronic illness due
>> to the long term exposure. I have MCS now. I did not have it
>> prior to moving into our house. I developed it within 6 months
>> of living there. Mold destroyed our lives and has challenged my
>> children's future. Their education is now being affected by
>> it. Mold is affecting our future generations, right now. We
>> cannot sit back and ignore this any longer. If you don't
>> believe it, instead of sitting there and criticizing, please
>> take the time to research and educate yourself.
>> H.R. 1268 "The Melina Bill" is currently being presented before
>> congress to address mold issues the same way we address lead
>> and asbestos. This of course, if passed, will affect
>> leglislation on a national level, instead of a state level
>> (like in the past.) Congressman John Conyers is sponsoring it.
>> Read about H.R. 1268 on his website:
>> Those medical and scientific professionals working with
>> Congressman Conyers on this issue are providing hard proof to
>> Congress of its existence. During National Mold Awareness Week
>> in September, mold activists received a very positive response
>> from Congress Representatives and staffers. The momentum is
>> picking up for support of this bill. I'm sure you'll be
>> hearing more and more about it in the coming months.
>> Here is just some of the proof from the medical profession and
>> forensic scientists out there. I'm also including reference
>> sites for any inquiries you may have. Thank you.
>> The book "Mold & Mycotoxins," by Dr. Kaye H. Kilburn, M.D. is
>> very thorough in presenting scientific facts to prove our point.
>> I believe it to be the best book on this subject.
>> ISBN: 0-916882-08-X
>> Heldref Publications
>> (Coalition lobbying Congress)
>> (Leading Physician on this
>> matter- many documented studies.)
>> (Comprehensive, tried and true
>> information from a mold victim and activist)
>> (Physicians website that is also a
>> mold victim)
>> The fact is, mold can make people sick. The proof is now
>> becoming more and more well documented and publically known. I
>> can provide you with list after list of lawsuits that are being
>> awarded to mold victims; some resulting in million+ dollar
>> rewards. Even though the law is still vague on how to
>> represent these victims, it will not be for much longer. The
>> business of mold tort lawyers is booming. In my county alone
>> there are 40+ active cases and hundreds in process. So if you
>> are an attorney, it is in your best interest to educate
>> yourself. If not to help innocent victims, than to build a
>> lucrative business. If you want a piece of the "Moldy Pie," I
>> suggest getting on board soon.
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