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    Re: MCS brought on by toxid mold

    Posted by Angie on 10/13/04

    Hi everyone,

    I thought I'd share this post that was sent to me back in June. It
    was posted to a mold victim discussion board by a CDC Scientist. He
    wanted to remain anonymous. Now, I know to many of you, that may
    break his credibility in your mind, but I want you to consider the
    possibility that these scientists and doctors may be receiving
    pressure from insurance companies and other big entities to not
    reveal their findings. I happen to know a doctor personally that
    is fearful of sharing what he has found in his studies because his
    practice has been threatened by some very powerful people. I know
    you'll draw your own conclusion about this, but I'm passing it on
    in case you're interested.

    Subject: RE: Toxic Mold - Health issues from a global perspective
    Posted On: June 27, 2004, 4:29 am EDT
    Posted By: anonymous from CDC scientist
    Most people on this discussion appear to sound very credible,
    despite the
    misrepresentations of the journalists reporting of the NIM report
    and lack of
    evidence. For quite a sum of years, I have been hearing basically
    the same
    complaints stemming from people who have been exposed from the same
    types of
    After reading the three hundred page report, I find it rather
    that the good people on this board (and the approximately 123,000
    nationwide to date, as well) who have been reporting the same ill
    effects and
    symptoms of fungal infections, including neurological dysfunction
    while unfound
    evidence disputes these facts.
    How quickly one forgets. This happened during the fifties
    cigarettes and cancer despite thousands of documented reports of
    cancer cases and
    cancer related deaths among smokers, evidence was squelched for
    years until it
    could no longer be hidden from the public.
    It is my opinion, not only as a scientist, but as a former CDC and
    contractor, that this will be this mold issue will be the same type
    of case. I
    honestly don't think that the facts will be accurately reported
    approximately 2025. The same applies to VSE; otherwise known as Mad
    Cow Disease. There
    is just too much money at stake that could impact the economy.
    millions will die needlessly. That is all I can say at this time.
    In the
    meantime, if I were you I wouldn't eat beef and I would stay far
    away from
    water damaged buildings. I do not state this lightly. May God have
    mercy on us

    On 10/12/04, mary wrote:
    > Angie:
    > So, let me get this straight, you are insulted by the lack of
    > knowledge about mold on this board. Then why come here?
    > You suggest we get our evidence from a tv show? Geez.
    > So, 'toxic mold' can make people have mcs. What is 'toxic mold'?
    > What is mcs? We would really, really appreciate a clear, science
    > based definition. We await your wisdom.
    > Best Regards,
    > Mary

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