Re: MCS brought on by toxid mold
Posted by ff on 10/14/04
Angie -
Sorry, but he is not a CDC scientist according to his letter. He is
a former USDA/CDA CONTRACTOR. What kind of work did he do? What was
he field of expertise? Did he actually work on science projects
related to Mad Cow or mold?
I am in agreement with his letter, however.b
On 10/13/04, Angie wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I thought I'd share this post that was sent to me back in June. It
> was posted to a mold victim discussion board by a CDC Scientist. He
> wanted to remain anonymous. Now, I know to many of you, that may
> break his credibility in your mind, but I want you to consider the
> possibility that these scientists and doctors may be receiving
> pressure from insurance companies and other big entities to not
> reveal their findings. I happen to know a doctor personally that
> is fearful of sharing what he has found in his studies because his
> practice has been threatened by some very powerful people. I know
> you'll draw your own conclusion about this, but I'm passing it on
> in case you're interested.
> Subject: RE: Toxic Mold - Health issues from a global perspective
> Posted On: June 27, 2004, 4:29 am EDT
> Posted By: anonymous from CDC scientist
> Comment:
> Most people on this discussion appear to sound very credible,
> despite the
> misrepresentations of the journalists reporting of the NIM report
> and lack of
> evidence. For quite a sum of years, I have been hearing basically
> the same
> complaints stemming from people who have been exposed from the same
> types of
> fungi.
> After reading the three hundred page report, I find it rather
> suspicious
> that the good people on this board (and the approximately 123,000
> others
> nationwide to date, as well) who have been reporting the same ill
> effects and
> symptoms of fungal infections, including neurological dysfunction
> while unfound
> evidence disputes these facts.
> How quickly one forgets. This happened during the fifties
> regarding
> cigarettes and cancer despite thousands of documented reports of
> cancer cases and
> cancer related deaths among smokers, evidence was squelched for
> years until it
> could no longer be hidden from the public.
> It is my opinion, not only as a scientist, but as a former CDC and
> contractor, that this will be this mold issue will be the same type
> of case. I
> honestly don't think that the facts will be accurately reported
> until
> approximately 2025. The same applies to VSE; otherwise known as Mad
> Cow Disease. There
> is just too much money at stake that could impact the economy.
> Meanwhile,
> millions will die needlessly. That is all I can say at this time.
> In the
> meantime, if I were you I wouldn't eat beef and I would stay far
> away from
> water damaged buildings. I do not state this lightly. May God have
> mercy on us
> all.
> On 10/12/04, mary wrote:
>> Angie:
>> So, let me get this straight, you are insulted by the lack of
>> knowledge about mold on this board. Then why come here?
>> You suggest we get our evidence from a tv show? Geez.
>> So, 'toxic mold' can make people have mcs. What is 'toxic mold'?
>> What is mcs? We would really, really appreciate a clear, science
>> based definition. We await your wisdom.
>> Best Regards,
>> Mary
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