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    Re: MCS brought on by toxid mold

    Posted by Greg Weatherman on 12/16/04

    C. Williams,

    Let me get this straight. You are giving an opinion about an MD that is
    kinda slanderous while admitting you "really don't know where the truth
    lies". "Lies" is a curious verb used by you. Have you seen or heard about
    the research he has done with Pfisteria or other organism that produce
    toxins that affect the nervous and immune systems?

    It sounds like you don't like his oratory skills and you have made your
    mind on the issue of mold and human health. I hope you never suffer from
    mold and find you are mentally unable to balance your own checkbook one


    Greg Weatherman
    aerobioLogical Solutions Inc.
    Arlington VA 22202

    On 12/15/04, C. Williams wrote:
    > Folks:
    > I've heard Shoomaker speak and this guy is a "true-believer" a
    > real "kool-aid drinker". I really don't know where the truth lies in
    > all this, but listening to him makes me think of him more as a saleman
    > more than a doc. Oh yeah, did you know he has *another* book out for
    > sale? That makes #5.
    > One that that really got me interested is that, when he went through his
    > presentation, he gave a forceful discussion of the tests he used to
    > determine that his patients were victims of mold biotoxicity. Well, it
    > just so happens that all these tests were individually used to test for
    > some other condition originally. In the end, you can basically make
    > them say what you want them to say if they are being used for something
    > never intended.
    > Seems to me that the whole problem. Shoomaker is emblematic of the
    > growth industry characterized by "expert witnesses", plaintiffs'
    > lawyers, remediators, etc... that are determined to make a buck off of
    > something that we really still know very little about.
    > Everybody needs to be very careful about what they read and believe.
    > There is a lot of snake oil out there right now.
    > CW

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