Re: MCS brought on by toxid mold and flat earth ff
Posted by Pam on 2/23/04
On 1/29/04, dd wrote:
My comment is to Waldo, i have just lived 21/2 months of hell due to mold. no one
does care and no one beleives you can be that sick from it. no one can tell me
there isnt a mold problem. i cant sleep at night because i cant lie down, i have
sudden panic attacks because i feel i cant breathe, and i ache so bad i cant get
out of bed! before the mold these problems did not exist.
Defense lawyers that try to defend insurance companies and the insurance
adjusters, that refuse to pay up for health damages should all get instant karma
by getting mold in their homes. thats the best way for a society to learn is by
experience. then they would understand the devastation the experience of mold
contamination can have on your physical, mental and spirtual existence.
> Think I could get funding for an action group called the Belligerent Bovine
> Brigade? I've got a thing for alliteration.
> On 1/26/04, dd wrote:
>> Moo!
>> On 1/26/04, ff wrote:
>>> Deborah D.:
>>> The public does not respond, react, become involved, typically until they
>>> are impacted on a personal level.
>>> I had to laugh recently, when a news interview on mad cow revealed that
>>> the public was content to sit back, trusting that "the government will
>>> protect them."
>>> The unsuspecting, apathetic public.
>>> ff
>>> On 1/26/04, Deborah D. wrote:
>>>> ff
>>>> Well put. That is exactly what is going on; the victims become their
>>> own
>>>> worst enemy, something that the defense counts upon. I have been guilty
>>>> of this myself when, in shock, I realize that people who should have
>>>> cared, could have prevented this, and could have remediated these
>>>> situations, treated my son and I as though we were pieces of refuse to
>>> be
>>>> pushed to the side of the road. Once, a Vietnam Veteran I have come to
>>>> know told me, yeah, now you know how we felt when we came back, at least
>>>> you got a body bag.
>>>> But, the fact remains, that victims must realize that clear, concise,
>>>> direct communication must be adhered to in these cases and that the
>>>> defense will resort to tactics not unlike psychological warfare to win
>>>> their case. I have cried more over this mold issue and what it cost my
>>>> son and I than I did when I lost my father and husband(I guess that I
>>> was
>>>> in shock and new that I must continue in order to provide for my son and
>>>> myself, but at least I had my physical health and some mental health
>>> with
>>>> the exception of the grief.) I had no control over the deaths, but I
>>>> thought my contractual relations with landlords provided me with the
>>>> protections afforded by statute as I struggled to become a participating
>>>> member of society; I was wrong, as my subsequent forays into the court
>>>> room proved, there is only the justice that money can buy. This
>>>> realization, that I had no rights, and neither did my child, pushed me
>>> to
>>>> near hysteria, the mental anguish was indescribable.
>>>> But then I realize that if not for the terrible setbacks that I have
>>>> suffered, the 'small-minded' people would never have been a concern for
>>>> me, or a problem. As it is, I ended up having to deal with a class of
>>>> people that for all intents and purposes, didn't exist to me. Too bad,
>>>> especially for those who continue to suffer at their mercy. These are
>>>> the folks that bring our society down.
>>>> dd
>>>> Sadly, our society has become calloused to the problems of others,
>>>> especially when this has not affected them yet.
>>>> On 1/24/04, ff wrote:
>>>>> Mary:
>>>>> I understand. Some time back, a long time back, I wrote on something
>>>>> that I have noticed over the years and it has to do with experience.
>>>>> You, seemingly having taken a posiiton on an issue, have experience.
>>>>> For first time victims, i.e. without experience, by the time they
>>>>> realize their manner of presentation to various audiences is
>>>>> discrediting to them, and to the issue, it's too late.
>>>>> People that have been injured tend to cry out because of the pain, and
>>>>> that is understandable. The problems come with the fact that those
>>>>> they rely on as well as the opposition, cannot feel the pain and
>>>>> therefore may get tired of listening to the whining. I believe this
>>>>> is a problem in the agencies, which after a period of time would have
>>>>> to become calloused to cries from a whining public. On the other
>>>>> hand, they do not hear the whining from the "other side," and that
>>>>> serves to facilitate relationships.
>>>>> ff
>>>>> On 1/24/04, Mary wrote:
>>>>>> ff:
>>>>>> I'm being too obscure. None of these comments, in caps no less, are
>>>>>> directed at you, and they don't really come from me.
>>>>>> I am just reacting to the prior post from someone ranting the "you
>>>>>> can't tell me...." line. People like this have closed their minds,
>>>>>> or are in some kind of weird denial, so what is the point of even
>>>>>> posting?
>>>>>> Sorry for any confusing.
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Mary
>>>>>> On 1/24/04, ff wrote:
>>>>>>> Mary:
>>>>>>> And there's the difference. To you, it's all about you. To me,
>>>>>>> it's not about me. Solve the problemn alleged to have been caused
>>>>>>> by exposure to mold, tell us "what it is," and not "what it is
>>>>>>> not."
>>>>>>> ff
>>>>>>> On 1/24/04, Mary wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey ff:
>>>>>>>> I think you get my point.
>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>> Mary
>>>>>>>> On 1/24/04, ff wrote:
>>>>>>>>> mary:
>>>>>>>>> I think you have it backwards. The flat earth thinking, the
>>>>>>>>> earth as the center of the universe, is consistent with those
>>>>>>>>> that grab onto a concept without realizing they may not know
>>>>>>>>> everything (well, I've said it before, they gain comfort in
>>>>>>>>> what they know, but find discomfort in considering how much
>>>>>>>>> they do not know. It's understandable, to spend years
>>>>>>>>> learning, thinking you know, gaining confidence in what you
>>>>>>>>> know, and then to learn there's more to it, or worse, it was
>>>>>>>>> wrong.)
>>>>>>>>> So who's going to change the scientific consensus as carved in
>>>>>>>>> stone by the "It ain't mold group" ? Better yet, if it's not
>>>>>>>>> so, then why hasn't it been changed.
>>>>>>>>> The answers lie in what typically drives, or funds, science.
>>>>>>>>> So, it's back to suppression bias. Conducting the science to
>>>>>>>>> prove that, for example, microbes have evolved, adapted,
>>>>>>>>> physically and biologically, due to changes in the
>>>>>>>>> environment, specifically man-made events, and as a result,
>>>>>>>>> people are getting sick, structures are rendered useless, of
>>>>>>>>> no value, and numerous entities face liability, would likely
>>>>>>>>> receive $0 funding from the corporations liable in such a case.
>>>>>>>>> That's not attractive to most, and certainly, who in the heck
>>>>>>>>> would want to fund such an effort? After all, creating
>>>>>>>>> miracles is what science should be about, you know, science
>>>>>>>>> and research that leads to good things, products that make our
>>>>>>>>> lives easier and produce profits. Now, that's exciting!
>>>>>>>>> Imagine a corporate scientist walking into the board meeting
>>>>>>>>> stating, WOW! look what my science shows, product X we have
>>>>>>>>> been manufacturing for years is killing people. This is
>>>>>>>>> proof, we must get it off the market, find the victims, give
>>>>>>>>> them the medical help needed to save lives...
>>>>>>>>> Anyway, Mary, it may be a fact of life we have to accept, but
>>>>>>>>> you do know better. When human health is at stake, the
>>>>>>>>> legitimate scientists try to solve the problem by finding
>>>>>>>>> out "what it is," and not "what it is not."
>>>>>>>>> ff
>>>>>>>>>> Well then I guess that says it all. And I'm thinking some
>>>>>>>>>> smart people used to say the same thing about the earth
>>>>>>>>>> being flat. And the sun orbited the earth. But, since you
>>>>>>>>>> are sure, then what else is left?
>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Mary
>>>>>>>>>> On 1/23/04, waldo lewis wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I came upon this website after searching for "mold
>>>>>>>>>> allergy". I can't quite figure out what all the messages are
>>>>>>>>>> about, but, I for one know first hand that toxid mold did me
>>>>>>>>>> in. I have a almost flat roof on my house and you can't see
>>>>>>>>>> it from below. To make a long story/short, the roof must
>>>>>>>>>> have been leaking for quite some time. By the time we found
>>>>>>>>>> it----By smelling the mold in the upper bedrooms (mildew
>>>>>>>>>> smell), it was too late to do anything about it ourselves.
>>>>>>>>>> We had mold remediation done to the whole wall in the back
>>>>>>>>>> of the house even going 8 feet into the ceiling. NOW, I am
>>>>>>>>>> effected by the morning paper, the car and even walking
>>>>>>>>>> throught the super markets.
>>>>>>>>>>> case closed..Waldo