Post: mcs
Posted by sherrie on 4/12/04
I had MCS so bad it was hard to be around anyone life was hell it's getting better but how i feel is this you need to stop putting stuff in get on a clean diet clear water and find a Dr you trust there are very few if they start feeding you vitamins it's just adding i really believe this we are as full as full can be stop adding and if you detoxing and know you have metals and you have candia plan to get sick BECAUSE WHEN YOU CLEAN UP METALS YOU DROP YEAST IT'S A BAD CYCLE be careful and use the guideness of a dr who knows this email me if you wish been to dr richie shoemaker dr gilbare and a few others lets stop wasting money on stuff that does not work.i am not a dr just another MCS PERSON REACHING TO GET WELL.
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