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    Re: Caoimhin

    Posted by johncodie on 4/17/04

    On 4/13/04, Michelle Grader wrote:
    > I highly appreciate the comments of Caoimhin Connell .
    > People never get anywhere when they are all in agreement
    > with one another.

    Scientist and other professionals do get very far when they
    are in agreement with each other. They are able to take
    bits of what they have learned and repeat the processes in
    their labratories. Because of this ability for true
    understanding of a science to be pushed forward, cures, and
    inventions sometimes remain as a standard for up to a
    hundred years the same design as it was first discovered.
    Until recently has the Franklin lightning rod been changed
    to more geometic shapes from the orignial spiked point. You
    may appreciate CC and I read many of his post prior to ever
    postings, and pushed his buttons on many occasions. We
    could never find any common ground. Our family has been
    house hunting and looked thru about forty homes, most of
    which had stucco. One of the last home owners became irate
    when we were a little late finding the home. He was
    visiably mad when asked if it was ok to see the home. After
    seeing another one, and checking back it was obvious why he
    had closed up the upstairs. Our two children could smell
    the mold coming from a certain section of the actic
    upstairs. If it smells lick a mildewed sock/ stuck in
    tennis shoe you forgot to clean-up (smell of house) it is
    probably a bad idea to consider the home will clean up very
    well. On the disclosures,,,,,no sign of mold in his mind.
    And that is the way some people are. But for those
    professionals that have to see the children, and adults
    coming in for treatments that are immuno-compromised
    knowledge rest heavily upon their minds. Although it can be
    expensive it can be cleaned, or fixed. I never found an
    common ground with cc, or found any compassion.


    He will not be citing any literature from
    > the other side. The only time you cite your opponent is
    > when you can knock them right down. There is much progress
    > coming from this world from high strung debates and of
    > course successful litigation.

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