Re: Caoimhin
Posted by Michelle on 4/18/04
That true you need to be able to replicate a result for it to
have validity and reliability. However, think of all of the
experiments that flop and of course these flops build
knowledge. I would expect a mold contaminated house causes
illness, the problem is how do you prove it among a variety of
confounding factors. I am new and have not read much of the
posts and for sure compassion and respect are important. I
would say every time you post a response back in disagreement
with CC you become more clear on your position and better able
to defend it. This is not possible if everyone is in
agreement. Michelle
On 4/17/04, johncodie wrote:
> On 4/13/04, Michelle Grader wrote:
>> I highly appreciate the comments of Caoimhin Connell .
>> People never get anywhere when they are all in agreement
>> with one another.
> Scientist and other professionals do get very far when they
> are in agreement with each other. They are able to take
> bits of what they have learned and repeat the processes in
> their labratories. Because of this ability for true
> understanding of a science to be pushed forward, cures, and
> inventions sometimes remain as a standard for up to a
> hundred years the same design as it was first discovered.
> Until recently has the Franklin lightning rod been changed
> to more geometic shapes from the orignial spiked point. You
> may appreciate CC and I read many of his post prior to ever
> postings, and pushed his buttons on many occasions. We
> could never find any common ground. Our family has been
> house hunting and looked thru about forty homes, most of
> which had stucco. One of the last home owners became irate
> when we were a little late finding the home. He was
> visiably mad when asked if it was ok to see the home. After
> seeing another one, and checking back it was obvious why he
> had closed up the upstairs. Our two children could smell
> the mold coming from a certain section of the actic
> upstairs. If it smells lick a mildewed sock/ stuck in
> tennis shoe you forgot to clean-up (smell of house) it is
> probably a bad idea to consider the home will clean up very
> well. On the disclosures,,,,,no sign of mold in his mind.
> And that is the way some people are. But for those
> professionals that have to see the children, and adults
> coming in for treatments that are immuno-compromised
> knowledge rest heavily upon their minds. Although it can be
> expensive it can be cleaned, or fixed. I never found an
> common ground with cc, or found any compassion.
> jc
> He will not be citing any literature from
>> the other side. The only time you cite your opponent is
>> when you can knock them right down. There is much progress
>> coming from this world from high strung debates and of
>> course successful litigation.
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