Post: Self Sufficiency

Posted by Rita on 4/22/04
Hello fellow MCS suffers,
You know, I've been thinking and reading about how
desparate are the people who want to take away the medical
licences of the doctors who because of their true desire
to heal, help and diagnose patients who have these
symptoms, over and above the intimidation tactics of"
certain officials." (See townsend letter to doctors and
patients review." (on google)
So, I have been seriously thinking that we, the E.I, must
band together so that we do not have to continually
humilate ourselves by begging for medical help, vocational
rehab services and other benefits. I have been thinking of
starting a not for profit foundation, whose funds would
actually, directly go to assisting and supporting people
with MCS and other forms of E.I. For example affordable
ecologically safe homes, in non-polluted areas.
Obviously, "they" are making it very difficult for us to
live and provide for ourselves and our families. My life
is led in isolation, what about you guys? A nice complex,
with a some sort of a "canteen", a grocery store, a lake, a
worship center/place, a library! would be nice, wouldn;t it>
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