Re: Self Sufficiency
Posted by Rita on 4/22/04
On 4/22/04, Rita wrote:
> Hello fellow MCS suffers, ( CORRECTED VERSION)
> You know, I've been thinking and reading about how truly
> desparate are those people and organizations that try to
take away the medical
> licences of doctors. These doctors because of their true
> to heal, continue to diagnose and treat patients wtih e.i.
> inspite of such reprehensible, low and dirty imidation
tactics and threats by powerful " associations."( see
townsend letter to doctors and
> patients review." (on google)
> In light of so much opposition, it seems that we, the E.I,
must somehow
> band together and learn to provide for ourselves.
Emotionally, financially, spiritually. We must not have to
have to continually
> humilate ourselves and beg for medical help, vocational
> rehab services and other benefits. I have been thinking of
> starting a not for profit foundation, whose funds would
> actually, directly go to assisting and supporting people
> with MCS and other forms of E.I. For example affordable
> ecologically safe homes, in non-polluted areas for a
nominal cost and if possible even financial help and
> Obviously, "they" are making it very difficult for us to
> live and provide for ourselves and our families and will
continue to do so. As you all know, E.I, f/m and cfs
sufferers, the lonliness and desperation level, and I believe
even the "suicide" rate is quite high among this group. We
want to change this, we want to live, and continue to create
and enliven our hopes and dreams, just like everyone else.
So let us continue to provide moral and emotional support to
each other.
> Rita